Transcript Agendas

Welcome to
2nd Grade
Communication with the Teacher
Classroom information is available on class web pages
through our school’s website
Send notes in your child’s folder.
Write notes in the agenda.
Send an email.
•Agendas will come home nightly. The children will
write all homework assignments in the agenda.
•Spelling Words will be given each week along with a
spelling test. Please practice the words at home
•They will be sent home in the folder, agenda,
newsletter, and/or website.
We will send home a newsletter every week. The
newsletter will keep you in touch with what is going on in
the classroom. It will contain important dates and other
information regarding the weeks activities.
Behavior Policy
• Purpose: To provide students and teachers
with a consistent discipline policy.
• Goal: To increase the quality of education
by decreasing the number of behavioral
• The teacher and parent should view the
agenda daily for this policy to be successful.
Behavior Tracking Key
DA – disrespect to authority (such as eye-rolling, grunting, refusal to answer, etc)
DP – disrespect to peers (arguing, bickering, gossiping, etc)
DT – disrespect to things (damage to school property, hands/feet on walls, etc)
OT – off task (not completing assigned tasks, not following directions when given, etc)
T – talking (in line, during class, at inappropriate times)
R – responsibility (not being prepared for class)
H – homework ( not completing AND turning in homework assignments)
C – cheating
L – lying (any form of dishonesty)
S – stealing (taking ANYTHING that does not belong to you)
P – profanity
Event code: record in ( ). These do not count as corrections.
(B) – went to bathroom during class/note the time
(A) – absent
(AG) – agenda not signed
The count of marks starts over each week.
• 1 to 6 marks result in in-class consequences
such as loss or recess
• 6 marks equal a meeting with the school
counselor and a plan to help the student.
• 10 marks equal a trip to the office and a
consequence such as a detention.
• Marks and the time that the behavior occurs
will be written into the agenda daily.
 Many teachers assign homework NIGHTLY, check their agenda for
work assigned.
 Unfinished work will be finished during recess.
Take-Home reader books, spelling words, and other practice pages
can be found in the homework folder.
Students should read nightly even if they don’t bring a book home
from school.
What is Fast ForWord?
• It is a computer program that helps your
child’s brain to process information clearer
and faster. It is disguised as fun games.
• 30 minutes each day all year.
The Grading Scale
has changed this
year. More information
will come when available.
If your child needs to take medication during the
school day, it needs to be taken by a parent to
the office and given to the school nurse. She will
administer the medication per your instructions.
**Please let us know if your child is allergic to
anything asap
All visitors must sign in through the office. You will be
given a name tag to wear. This procedure helps the
faculty at Stewartsboro maintain a safe school
environment for all of our students.
Coming to school everyday and being on time is very important. Please send
a note when your child returns to school after being absent.
Check-In/ Check-Out Procedure
Students arriving after 7:30 or leaving prior to dismissal time must be signed
in/out through the office. When the student is signed out, the office will call
the classroom and notify the teacher to dismiss the student to the office.
3 unexcused tardies= 1 day in after-school detention hall
Transportation Changes
If you need to change your child’s regular transportation
routine, it MUST be done in WRITING. The office will no
longer accept phone calls or e-mails for changes.
Parent Conferences
Parent conferences will be held September
29th and March 2nd. If you feel you need to
meet with one of us any other time, let us
Special Areas
See agenda daily for schedule.
Please wear tennis shoes on P.E. days!
 We have a snack everyday.
 Different from first grade, each student will be in charge of
their own snack.
 Please send a healthy snack.
 No cookies, chips, candy, etc.
 Children may also bring a bottle of water with a screw-on
 You are welcome to send cupcakes for your child’s
birthday. As per school policy, treats must be store-bought.
DON’T feel obligated to do this.
 Please send us a note the day before if you plan to send
If you’re not involved with our PTCC, please
consider it! This is a great way to stay
involved with your child’s school.
Half Day Procedures:
Lunch will be served.
School will be dismissed at 10:30
Please make your teacher aware of any
transportation changes in writing.
See the agenda and newsletters for the dates.
Fall Break
October 5 – 9
Title I information