Electrocardiogram (EKG)

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Transcript Electrocardiogram (EKG)

Veronica Frattaroli
Project 1
What is an electrocardiogram?
 Test that checks for problems with the electrical
activity of the heart
 Device:
 Detects and amplifies the tiny electrical changes on the
skin through electrodes connected to specific parts of
the body
 Reduce the charge of the heart
 Rises and falls of voltage are recorded as a wavy line
 1872 – Alexander Muirhead
hooked up wires to a
patient with a high fever to
monitor their heartbeat
 1903 – major breakthrough
with Willem Einthoven
created the galvanometer
 Early detection of heart disease
 Unexplained chest pain
 Detects the walls of the heart being too thick
 Medicine’s effectiveness
 Checks how well mechanical devices in the heart are
 Checks heart health when having certain conditions or
 No serious health risks
 No serious side effects
 Minimal side effect: skin irritation
 Very noninvasive procedure
 Electrodes, that have conduction improving material in
it, are stuck on clean arms, legs and chest
 The electrodes are also hooked to the machine that will
record the heart’s activity
 While the test is going, patients are asked to lie very still
and breathe normally
 More powerful EKG machine
 Use advanced micro-processors and other computer
 Measure the electronic potential of a fetal heartbeat
 Better diagnostic data
 Remote patient care through phones
 Approve investigational drugs
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocardiography
 http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/electrocardiogram?page=2
 http://www.heartsite.com/html/ekg.html
 http://www.medicinenet.com/electrocardiogram_ecg_or_ekg/article.htm
 http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/heart-disease/DS01120/DSECTION=complications
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory_sinus_arrhythmia
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventricular_tachycardia
 http://www.cardiochoices.com/Media/Default/cardiovascularprocedures/images/image001_003.jpg
 http://www.shekharhospital.com/image/ecg%20machine.jpg
 http://img.tootoo.com/mytootoo/upload/46/461953/product/461953_63716ce8dfa5614dc
 http://protomag.com/statics/SP_09_gty_RM_82581339_a_hz.jpg?1242887355
 http://www.scienceclarified.com/images/uesc_04_img0219.jpg
 http://www.medexsupply.com/images/DN-1700-005.jpg