Transcript Video File

How to Do Simple Addition
Using a Number Line
By Hattie Guzman
Materials Needed
What Kind Of Number Is It?
Real: Any rational or irrational number
Natural: a member or a set of positive integers 1,2,3...
Whole: a member or set of the numbers 1,2,3...
Integer: a member or set that can be negative, nonnegative,
or positive ...- 2,-1,0,1,2...
Rational: a number that can be ex- pressed as a fraction p/q
where p and q are integers and q does not equal 0
Irrational: a number than cannot be expressed as a fraction
p/q for any integers p and q. They have decimal expansions
that neither terminate nor become periodic.
Is It Positive Or Negative?
 Will
it be on the left or right side of the
number line?
Is It
Bigger Or
 Determine
whether a number is larger or
smaller than the others
Number Line: Larger numbers are
further on the right
 Positive
Number Line: Larger numbers are
further on the right as well!
 Negative
Place Your Numbers on the Line
 Once
your numbers are placed on the
number line, you can use it to add numbers
together by counting!!!
Refer To This Video For An