September Homework - Harrison County Schools
Transcript September Homework - Harrison County Schools
3rd Grade Homework MENU
Please choose 2 drinks, 2 appetizers, 2 main courses, and 2 desserts. You should
have a total of four (8) options completed. Due Tuesday, September 30th.
Use your number line made in
class to plot numbers (up to 3
digits) and round those numbers
to the nearest 10 and 100. You
must do at least 20 numbers.
Record this on a piece of paper.
With the help of a
parent, ask a scientific
question and use the
scientific method to test!
Select a book to fill in a 3column graphic organizer
(create your question/an
adult answers the questions
with your guidance/write the
beginning of the sentence
where answer was found).
Create a brochure
informing other students of
when you capitalize in
writing (i.e. book titles,
proper nouns, beginning of
sentences and dialogue in
quotation marks).
Use dice to create 3 digit
numbers and then practice
adding and subtracting
them. You must do at least
20 and record this on a
piece of paper.
Make a blueprint or
design a device that will
hold the weight of two
library books without
falling. You may only use
tape, string, and
Create a bookmark for a book
you have chosen. Include the
title of the book, 5 questions
about the story, and decorate
the bookmark. Return book and
completed bookmark to school
so that it can be used as a station
for other students.
Locate 10-20 examples of capitalization
from environmental print
(advertisements, newspapers,
magazines, etc.). Display these on a
poster. Please arrange the environmental
print in categories (proper nouns, book
titles, beginning of sentences and
dialogue in quotation marks).
CREATE a free standing
structure using tape,
string, cardboard, and
Design a t-shirt for a book that you feel
other students would enjoy. Include 5
questions for the book that would
encourage others to read the book.
Enclose a sealed envelope with the
answers to each question. Expect to
display the t-shirt and book for a week,
allowing buddy readers to discover the
answers and check them using your
enclosed answers
Develop a quiz that
focuses on correct
capitalization. The format
is up to you (multiple
choice, use editing marks
on prepared sentences,
Think about our song “The
Rounding Rap”. Create a
song about one of the
strategies we learned to add!
Friendly Numbers, Breaking
Down Numbers, Adding in
Name: ___________________________