November Homework 1 - Harrison County Schools
Transcript November Homework 1 - Harrison County Schools
3rd Grade Homework MENU
Please choose 2 drinks, 2 appetizers, 2 main courses, and 2 desserts. You should
have a total of eight (8) options completed. Due Monday, December 1st.
Design your own experiment to
test balanced and unbalanced
forces. Record your findings.
Create a poster that
teaches other students
how a noun, verb,
adjective, pronoun,
Does the poem include any text features that help you understand
it better?
or adverb
is used. purpose?
how the text features help comprehension?
the author's
a piece of
Create ten
multiplication/division story
problems on a piece of
paper or note cards.
Make sure to have an
answer key.
Build two ramps out of any
materials available to you. Make
one surface of the ramp bumpy
and the other smooth. Use a toy
car to test how fast it takes the
car to reach the bottom of each
ramp. What does friction have to
do with force?
Create a board game
with instructions that has
its players do
problems. Be as creative
as you like!
Have a parent help video you rubbing
a balloon against your hair. What
happens to your hair? Hold the
balloon to a small piece of paper or
Styrofoam. What happens? What is
causing this? Answer these questions
in the video and email it to
Mrs. Philpot:
[email protected]
Trace your hand and
color/decorate it to look like a
turkey. On the turkey feathers
(fingers) create 5 problems
that have a variable in them.
Include the answer on the
back of the feather.
Locate a fiction and a nonfiction
book that are about the same
topic. Create and fill in a Venn
diagram to demonstrate ways
the books are different and
similar. Bring both books to
school with diagram.
depicting a scene from a
favorite nonfiction book.
You can use any media;
paint, clay, fabric, etc. It can
be a statue, painting, book
bag, book cover, etc.
Please send book in with
project .
Make an advertisement for a
book you think other students
would enjoy. In the
advertisement, include: book
title, author’s name, author’s
purpose, genre, a picture
depicting book, and a paragraph
summarizing the book.
Name: ___________________________
Use the following website to
explore and practice
identifying parts of speech.
Take a screenshot of the
results of your game/s and
send it to my school email or
print page and turn it in.
Write a story that incorporates
nouns, verbs, adjectives,
pronouns, prepositions, and
adverbs. Then, create a chart
for each of the parts of speech
mentioned above and list
examples, using words from
your story.