Transcript me lavo

Vocabulario 2.1
De pequeño…
Yo tenía muchos…
A mi amiga y yo nos gustaba…
trepar a los arboles.
No me gustaba…
saltar la cuerda.
Mis hermanas tenían muchas…
Me gustaba…
contar chistes.
Yo no recuerdo mi…
Yo no tenía muchos…
Muñecos de peluche
No me gustaba esta…
Yo no era muy…
Mi hermano y yo …(construir)
construíamos con Lincoln Logs.
Mi hermano y yo… (pelearse)
nos peleábamos mucho.
me escondía.
Sonreirse (ei)
To smile
Me sonrio mucho.
Reirse (ei)
To laugh
Nicholas Cage se rie en Ghost Rider.
Yo no …(portarse)
me portaba bién.
Possessive Adjectives
Mine- mío, míos, mía, mías
 Yours- tuyo, tuyos, tuya, tuyas
 His, Hers, Theirs, Yours (pl.)- suyo, suyos,
suya, suyas
 Ours- nuestro, nuestros, nuestra, nuestras
Time to ask your partner some questions…
¿Cuál era tu ____ favorito/a?
(comida, programa, canción, juguete, película)
Mi ________ favorito/a era
Mi juguete favorito era
Optimus Prime.
Reflexive verbs
In this presentation, we
are going to look at a
special group of verbs
called reflexives.
Let’s start out by thinking
of the English verb
wash. List several
things that you can
Some examples
I wash my clothes, I
wash the dishes, I
wash the car, I wash
the windows.
I wash my hands, I
wash my hair, I
wash my face.
What’s the difference?
I wash my clothes, I
wash the dishes, I
wash the car, I wash
the windows.
I can wash things
that are not part of
me, that is, not
attached to my
In Spanish, we say,
“Lavo la ropa, lavo
los platos, lavo el
… and…
I wash my hands, I
wash my hair, I
wash my face.
I also wash things
that are attached to
my body – hands,
face, hair (unless
you wear a toupee!).
In Spanish, we say,
“Me lavo las manos,
me lavo el pelo, me
And your point is…?
Lavo la ropa, lavo los
platos, lavo el coche, lavo
las ventanas.
Me lavo las manos, me
lavo el pelo, me lavo la
If you are washing
something that is
attached, you need to add
the word “me.”
There are two ways
to talk about
washing in Spanish:
 Lavar:
to wash
something else
 Lavarse: to wash
part of one’s body.
Here are the forms:
 me
 te lavas
 se lava
 nos lavamos
 se lavan
The “me, te, se, nos,
se” forms are called
How do you get those forms?
The infinitive has a –se
attached to it to show
that the subject is doing
something to
Drop the –se.
Change the verb as
Put the appropriate
reflexive pronoun in
front of the verb.
Let’s try one.
Llamarse: to call
 yo______
 tú______
 él______
 nosotros
 ellos ______
Llamar -- se
yo me llamo
tú te llamas
él se llama
nosotros nos
ellos se llaman
Does this look familiar?
What’s going on here?
yo me llamo
tú te llamas
él se llama
nosotros nos
ellos se llaman
The verb endings
are the usual ones.
yo me llamo
tú te llamas
él se llama
nosotros nos
ellos se llaman
The only difference
is that we have to
add the reflexive
pronoun (before the
Okay, how about some more reflexive
Levantarse: to get/stand
Sentarse (e > ie): to sit
Dormirse (o > ue): to fall
Ponerse (-go): to put on an
article of clothing
yo me levanto
tú te levantas
él se levanta
nosotros nos
ellos se levantan
This verb has regular
Sentarse (e > ie)
yo me siento
tú te sientas
él se sienta
nosotros nos sentamos
ellos se sientan
This verb is stemchanging.
yo me duermo
tú te duermes
él se duerme
nosotros nos dormimos
ellos se duermen
This is another stem-changing
yo me pongo
tú te pones
él se pone
nosotros nos ponemos
ellos se ponen
This –go verb changes as
Dormir vs Dormirse
The verb forms are the same:
duermo, duermes, duerme,
dormimos, duermen
The difference in form is the
addition of the reflexive pronouns:
me, te, se, nos, se
The difference in meaning is:
Dormir: to sleep
Dormirse: to fall asleep
Reflexive verbs often have a
special meaning, such as ‘change
in condition’ – from being awake to
being asleep.
A morning routine
Todos los días, yo ______
(levantarse) a las 7:00. ______
(ir) al baño, _______ (lavarse)
la cara, y _______ (afeitarse).
Luego ______ (vestirse = e > i)
y ______ (tomar) un poco de
desayuno. Por fin, _______
(lavarse) los dientes.
Hint: not all the verbs in this paragraph are
A morning routine
Todos los días, yo me levanto a
las 7:00. Voy al baño, me lavo
la cara, y me afeito. Luego me
visto y tomo un poco de
desayuno. Por fin, me lavo los
Did you remember to use a
reflexive pronoun with levanto,
lavo, afeito, and visto?
Did you remember to change the
stem for visto?
Let’s do another
Juana ______ (despertarse = e
> ie) a las 6:30, ________
(levantarse), ______ (ir) al
baño, y ________ (ducharse).
Ella ______ (secarse),
_______ (peinarse), y _______
(pintarse) la cara.
Otra rutina diaria
Juana se despierta a las 6:30,
se levanta, va al baño, y se
ducha. Ella se seca, se peina,
y se pinta la cara.
Did you remember to use a
reflexive pronoun with
despierta, levanta, ducha,
seca, peina, and pinta?
Did you remember to change
the stem on despierta?
Other things to remember
If you use certain two-part verb
combinations, the reflexive verb
can either before the first verb or
can be attached to the second
Querer + levantarse
Quiero levantarme
Me quiero levantar
Quieres levantarte
Te quieres levantar
Make sure that the reflexive
pronoun agrees with the subject:
yo <> me, tú <> te
What about progressives?
Remember that progressives
are also two-part verb
Estoy comiendo
Estamos escribiendo
Refelxive pronouns can go
before or after the verb:
Estoy lavándome el pelo
Estamos lavándonos el pelo
Me estoy lavando el pelo
Nos estamos lavando el pelo
Whew! That’s a lot to
True! But keep in mind
that the verb changes as it
always does. You just
have to remember to use
the reflexive pronoun if
you see an infinitive that
ends in –se.
You’re now ready to move
on to #11, regular
preterite verbs.