Para describir “how long ago” en español, presta attencion.

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Transcript Para describir “how long ago” en español, presta attencion.

Para describir “how long ago” en
español, presta attencion.
(por favor)
By emory gibson
Para empezar
 It’s important that you know what I’m about to teach you, so
here are some English Examples:
Two years ago, my dog died.
I’ve been studying spanish for a year.
I haven’t eaten in a week
It’s been a year since I have worked out
Las formulas
 Hace + time + que + verb
 Verb + hace +time
 It’s important to remember that you will have to change the
tense of the verb that you’re using depending on what you’re
trying to say.
When do I use this?
 When you are trying to describe how long ago something
 When you are trying to describe how long something has
been happening
 List of different increments of time:
 Hora.. Hour
 Día.. Day
 Semana.. Week
 Mes.. Month
 Año..Year
 Hace dos semanas que yo practico basquetbol.
 Practico basquetbol hace dos semanas.
 Both of these are the same, just structured differently. “I’ve
been practicing basketball for two weeks/For two weeks I’ve
been practicing basketball.” Because the verb was put in the
present tense, the sentence is read as though it has been
happening, and it still is.
Examples Cont. (preterite)
 Hace dos semanas que yo practiqué basketbol.
 Yo practiqué basketbol hace dos semanas.
 Notice that the verb in these sentences was changed to
preterite, which changes the meaning of the sentence to “I
practiced basketball two weeks ago.” This indicates
something that happened some time ago in the past, but is
not happening now.
Examples cont. (negative)
 Negative is simply adding the “no” to the sentence
 No practico basketbol hace dos semanas.
 I haven’t been playing basketball for two weeks.
 No practiqué basketbol hace dos semanas.
 I didn’t practice basketbol two weeks ago.
Just the basics
 The main thing to remember is the formula for developing
the sentence.
 Hace + time + que + verb
 Verb + hace + time
 This is only the basic rule for describing verbs with relation
to time, there are many other more complex ways to do this.
However these will be useful.
 I ran a week ago.
 I’ve been running for a week
 I haven’t in a week
 A week ago I didn’t run.
 Corrí hace una semana
 Corro hace una semana
 No corro hace una semana
 No corrí hace una semana
 ¿Como hiciste?
 Remember, if you want to structure your sentence
differently, you can do this:
 Hace una semana que yo corrí
 Hace una semana que yo no corro
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