OCR GCSE French Le Passe Compose Lesson Element

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Transcript OCR GCSE French Le Passe Compose Lesson Element

Le Passé
ER – IR and RE Verbs
You use the perfect tense to talk about the past. In
French this is called the ‘passé composé’ because it
is ‘composed’ of two parts: the auxiliary verb (etre or
avoir) and the past participle of the main verb.
J’ai or je suis + Past participle (é, i, u)
Part 1 is the auxiliary
Part 2 is the past
participle of the main
Just a quick look at the conjugation of être and avoir
Être- to be
Je suis
Tu es
Il/elle est
On est
Nous sommes
Vous êtes
Ils/elles sont
Avoir- to have
Tu as
Il/elle a
On a
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ils/elles ont
The past participle depends on the verb ending
Verbs ending
in ER
Verbs ending
in RE
Remove ‘er’
and add ‘é’
Remove ‘re’
and add ‘u’
Ex: jouer
joué (played)
allé (gone)
Ex: vendre
vendu (sold)
attendu (waited)
Verbs ending
in IR
Remove ‘ir’
and add ‘i’
Ex: partir
parti (gone)
choisi (chosen)
Most verbs ‘go with’ avoir (just as in English)…
I have reminded my mother about my birthday
J’ai rappellé à ma mère la date de mon anniversaire
J’ai mangé un éclair au chocolat
Tu as écouté la chanson
Elle a vendu sa maison
Nous avons choisi le menu
Irregular verbs:
A number of verbs do not form their past participle
following the rules above. These need to be learned
separately, the main ones as as follows:
avoir = eu
être = été
faire = fait
boire = bu
conduire = conduit
connaître = connu
courir = couru
croire = cru
devoir = dû
Irregular verbs:
dormir = dormi
écrire = écrit
falloir = fallu
lire = lu
mettre = mis
ouvrir = ouvert
pleuvoir = plu
prendre = pris
Irregular verbs:
comprendre = compris
apprendre = appris
pouvoir = pu
recevoir = reçu
rire = ri
savoir = su
tenir = tenu
vivre = vécu
Insert the right part of ‘avoir’
I have
You have (informal)
She has
We have
You have (formal)
They have (feminine)
I have
You have (informal)
She has
We have
You have (formal)
They have (feminine)
tu as
elle a
nous avons/on a
vous avez
elles ont
But some verbs ‘go with’ être.
There are 16 verbs which follow this rule
+ All Reflexive verbs.
Aller and rester are two examples of the verbs which
‘go’ with ‘être’.
When you are writing you have to remember to make
the past participle ‘agree’ in gender and number with
the subject, however when you are speaking you can’t
hear the difference:
Il est allé- he went
Elle est allée- She went
Ils sont allés- They went (boys)
Elles sont allées- They went (girls)
Mrs Van Der Tramp
Monter --> monté (went up)
Retourner --> retourné (returned)
Sortir --> sorti (went out)
Venir --> venu (came)
Arriver --> arrivé (arrived)
Naître --> né (was born)
Descendre --> descendu (went down)
Entrer --> entré (entered)
Rester --> resté (stayed)
Tomber --> tombé (fell)
Rentrer --> rentré (went back in)
Aller --> allé (went)
Mourir --> mort (died)
Partir --> parti (left)
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