Transcript Document
Il est allé au parc.
Elle est partie.
Passé Composé
with Etre
Ils sont allés à la campagne.
Elle est revenue au chateau.
• Anagrams: See how many words or phrases
you can make out of the letters above (you
don’t need to use all the letters)
• Doodle: If you separate the words above,
you’ll notice that it says “Dr Mrs
Vandertrampp.” How do you picture this
couple looking? Draw a quick sketch of Dr. and
Mrs. Vandertrampp.
What is it really?
• It’s actually an acronym, which represents the 17
verbs that use être as a helping verb.
• The verbs are: devenir- to become, revenir- to
come back, mourir- to die, retourner- to return,
sortir- to go out, venir- to come, arriver- to arrive
(to happen), naître- to be born, descendre-to
descend, entrer- to enter, rentrer- to return,
tomber- to fall, rester- to stay, to remain, aller- to
go, monter-to go up, partir- to leave, passer-to
pass by
What makes etre verbs different?
• Instead of using avoir as a helping verb, you are
going to use être. You still need to conjugate it to
agree with the subject.
Je suis
Nous sommes
Tu es
Vous êtes
Il, elle, on est
ils, elles sont
• You’ll still have your subject, then your conjugated
helping verb, then a past participle
• Unlike with avoir, the participle will change, it
needs an ending to agree with the subject in
gender and number
Passé Composé with Avoir (subject, helping verb,
• J’ai visité Paris. I visited Paris.
• Nous avons mangé le petit- déjeuner ce matin.
We ate breakfast this morning.
Passé Composé with Etre (subject, helping verb,
• Nous sommes allés à la plage. We went to the beach.
• Napoleon est né le 15 aout, 1769. Napoleon was born
August 15, 1769.
• Elle est arrivée à Paris. She arrived at Paris.
• Elles sont arrivées à Marseille. They arrived at
Past Participles
• Like with avoir, the past participles of verbs that end
in –er are going to change to é, then add endings
for feminine or plural agreement
• Verbs that end in –re change to u for the participle,
then agree
• Ir verbs change to –i for the participle, then agree
• Some of the past participles with être are irregular:
Mourir- mort
devenir- devenu
Naître- né
venir- venu
Revenir- revenu
5. Vous
6. Elles
au match de foot. (aller)
à la maison. (rentrer)
à 8h30. (partir)
dans les escaliers.
au stade. (arriver)
de Paris hier. (venir)
Je suis allé
au match de foot.
Tu es rentré
à la maison.
Elle est partie
à 8h30.
Nous sommes tombés dans les escaliers.
Vous êtes arrivés
au stade.
Elles sont venues de Paris hier.
How do I remember those verbs again?
Another way to remember is the
“house of être”- picturing the activities
being performed in a house
Some creative versions
What could you come up with?
• Think for minute about the different versions
you could come up with: a haunted house of
être, a castle of être, a sunken ship of être, a
jungle of être, farm of être, etc
• In your writing journal, you are going to sketch
your own version, and label it with the verbs
• (A little later, with a group, you are going to
make a poster to display with the être verbs)