Verbals Part 1 ~ Participles

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Transcript Verbals Part 1 ~ Participles

Just what are these things?!?
Definition: A verbal is a word formed from a
verb that functions as another part of speech,
such as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.
They are used to add to writing to give more
detailed information.
Example: The lead story in the paper this morning
had the following headline: “Fallen Boy Saved by
Although we often use “fallen” as part of a verb,
here it works as an adjective, describing the boy.
“Fallen” clearly conveys that the boy accidentally
tumbled into the gorilla’s living area.
Types of Verbals
There are 3 types of verbals that we
will study:
2. Gerund
3. Infinitive
Each type of verbal can be used
alone or as part of a phrase.
Participle and Participle Phrase
Definition: A participle is a verb form that
functions as an adjective.
A participle phrase consists of a participle
along with its modifiers and complements.
Like other adjectives, participles and participle
phrases modify nouns and pronouns.
Example: A tired hiker woke a sleeping bear.
When alone, participles usually come before
the noun or pronoun it modifies, just like a
regular adjective.
When used as a phrase, the participle may
come before or after the word modified.
Present Participles
Like regular verbs, participles can
change tense.
A present participle always ends in
Example: Growling, the bear rose
from his slumber.
Example: Cheering for the home
team, the fans were on their feet.
Beware!! A word ending in –ing may be a
gerund, participle, or part of a verb phrase.
We will talk later about how to tell the
difference when we get to gerunds.
Past Participles
A past participle of a regular verb ends in –
A past participle of an irregular verb, such
as freeze, are formed in a variety of ways.
You can refer to your book’s verb chapter
(see irregular verbs) or you can consult a
The terrified traveler wanted to run.
Frozen by fear, he was grateful that the bear
only licked him.
Identify the participles; identify as
present or past; identify the word the
participle modifies.
1. Indian Red was a horse living in
2. Walking along a road one night, he
stopped suddenly.
3. Chilled and fatigued, he should have
been seeking shelter.
4. Instead, he neighed and whinnied,
trying to get cars to stop.
5. Only a few speeding drivers were out
on that cold night.
Identify the participles; identify as
present or past; identify the word the
participle modifies.
6. Those who came by ignored the horse,
driving right past him.
7. Finally, one driver, his curiosity
aroused, stopped to see what was
8. Searching a snow-covered ditch near
the horse, the man discovered an old
9. The woman, now numbed by the cold,
had fallen into the ditch.
10. Not even knowing her, Indian Red
wanted to get help for her.
~ Pg. 528 Exercise 2 ~
1. Attracting huge crowds soccer is a
popular sport.
2. The game consists of two teams
competing for goals.
3. Playing within certain areas the
goalkeepers can touch the ball with
their hands.
4. For other players, the only contact
permitted by the rules is with their
feet, heads, or bodies.
5. The two teams playing the game kick
~ Pg. 528 Exercise 2 ~
6. The teams moving almost constantly
during play kick the ball back and forth.
7. Varying their formations players move
about the field.
8. By the 1800s, English schools playing a
similar game had drawn up the first set of
9. Spreading throughout the world soccer
became especially popular in Europe and
Latin America in the late 1800s.
10. Spectators standing on the sidelines
cheered the teams.
~ Pg. 528 Exercise 2 ~
11. Representing two rival towns teams
took their places on the field.
12. Last year’s champions defending
their title played energetically.
13. Blowing a whistle the referee started
the game.
14. The team dressed in blue tried to
advance the ball toward the goal.
15. Kicking the ball out of bounds the
blue team lost its advantage.
~ Pg. 528 Exercise 2 ~
16. The team’s star player dribbling the ball
toward the goal suddenly tripped.
17. An opponent rushing toward the ball
prevented a goal.
18. Passing the ball from player to player the
team traveled down the field.
19. The goalkeeper jumping as high as
possible was unable to catch the ball.
20. Kicking the ball high into the air a player
on the blue team finally scored a goal.