Verbs - TeacherWeb

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Transcript Verbs - TeacherWeb

Action and Linking Verbs
Action verbs add power and punch to a
Tumble, scream, dream
Linking verbs connect a subject to a noun or
adjective in the predicate.
Is, seem
Nearly everyone knows about the great
Chicago fire of 1871.
The summer and fall of 1871 were unusually
hot and dry.
Helping Verbs
Come before the main verb; forms of
be, has, and do are used
Three students had been selected as
the dance cleanup committee.
They were moving slowly through the
Did they find Moe’s baseball cap?
Transitive and Linking Verbs
Transitive verbs transfer their action to a
direct object. The sentence would be
incomplete without a direct object
Linking verbs do not express action.
They link a subject to a predicate noun
or a predicate adjective.
Transitive vs. Linking Practice
Platypuses lay eggs.
Platypuses nurse their young.
Their bodies feel soft and furry.
May I hug them?
Subject-Verb Agreement
Subjects and verbs used together
must be both singular or both plural
My friend listens…(singular)
Her friends don’t listen…(plural)
Carlos and I ride the rocket cars.
Neither Alfredo nor Jim likes rides.
(with or/nor, make the verb agree
with the closest subject.)