Transcript Allusions

A reference to literature, pop culture, religion, history, etc to make
a point. You must understand the
reference to understand the point.
Types of Allusions
• Literary references Literature (books, poems,
fairy tales, nursery rhymes)
• Historical references history
• Religious references religion (Bible, creation,
other religion or religious texts)
• Classical references Mythology (Greek,
Roman, etc)
• Modern reference pop -culture (celebrities,
athletes, movies, news, politics)
Example: After high school, my friends
moved to California as if it were 1849.
• Allusion: California Gold Rush
• Purpose: to show how quickly the friends
uprooted—like there must be gold to be found
in California
• Type: Historical
More Examples
1. They’d been friends longer than Bert and
2. No matter how hard my mom tries, she is no
Carol Brady.
3. When it comes to math class, I’ve met my
4. He is no Hercules!
More Examples
5. He’s so rude, I wanted to call
him Kanye.
6. That guy is having a Donald
Trump hair day!
7. He draws well, but he is no
Leonardo da Vinci.
Now Create Your Own
1. Write a sentence(s) making an allusion to a
2. Write a sentence(s) making an allusion to a
historical event.
3. Write a sentence(s) making an allusion to a
song lyric.
4. Write a sentence(s) making an allusion to To
Kill a Mockingbird.