The Rise of Europe

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The Rise of Europe
The Crusades
Medieval Culture
The power of the Kings
Heresy and Reform
The Crusades
Holy city to Jews, Christians and Moslems
Jewish center of culture and religion
Christian city of Christ’s death and resurrection
Moslem site where Mohammad ascended into
Under Moslem control since 600ACE
Moslems were tolerant
Jews and Christians were tolerated by
Viewed as people of the book
Shared the same ancient stories and
Pilgrims traveled unmolested to
Seljuk Turks
New Islamic group from Central Asia
Took control of Jerusalem in late 1000’s
Closed the city to pilgrims
Threatened Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Emperor wrote to Pope for help
Pilgrims were reported to be murdered by
The First Crusade
1095 Pope Urban II
 Called for Christians to take back the Holy Lands
 Knights and peasants vowed to join
 Promised immediate salvation in heaven if killed
 Knights saw opportunity for land and wealth
 Peasants saw opportunity for freedom from feudalism
 Crusaders sewed red crosses on their backs as a symbol of
their commitment
 Began a long period of persecution of non-Christians in
 Focus of bigotry was the small Jewish population
 Crusaders killed entire communities
Appeal to Church
Enabled the papacy to lead a popular
Gave Pope moral leadership of Europe
Peace in Europe
Pope forbade all warfare between
Cubed violence
Redirected warriors attention to lands of
the Muslims
Led by French nobles
Groups met and joined in Constantinople in
Byzantine government had limited goals
Wanted to recapture the land lost at the Battle of
Frightened by the number of western knights
Western Goal - Jerusalem
1099 conquered Jerusalem and killed most of the Moslem and Jewish
Was a success as far as the west was concerned but set the tone of
slaughter and brutality for the confrontations to follow
Some knights went home others stayed
4 crusader kingdoms established
County of Edessa(1098-1144)
Principlaity of Antioch(1098-1268)
County of Tripoli(1109-1289)
Kingdom of Jerusalem(1099-1187)
Trade was reestablished and cultural isolation of western Europe ended
Second Crusade
Seljuk's re-conquered parts of Crusader
Pope Eugenius IV called for a Second crusade
King Louis VII of France and Holy Roman
Emperor Conrad III led armies
1147 to 1149
Complete failure because of animosity
between the kings
Third Crusade
Salidin united Muslims in 1187
Recaptured Jerusalem
Europe went nuts
3 kings led crusade 1189-1192
Fredrick Barbarrossa of Germany
 Died on the way to Palestine-drowned
 Army returned home
Philip Augustus of France
 Quit and went home
Richard I – the Lionheart of England
 Left to fight alone
 Won several battles but lost the war
Other Crusades
1200’s other unsuccessful Crusades 7 in all
European leaders no longer religiously obsessed
Concentrated on trade and centralization of their own
Turned against Europeans as well
 Albigensian Crusade 1209-1229
 Cathars in France killed in thousands
 Heightened anti-Jewish sentiment
Effects of the Crusade
Real importance lies in the interaction of
Europe with the cultural advanced east
Broke down feudalism and increased the
power to the kings
Nobles died in battle without heirs
Kings got the land
Nobles sold their estates to gain cash and supplies
to go on crusade
Fewer knights
Serfs allowed to purchase freedom – more skilled
workers and towns grew
Greek and Roman classics brought to Europe
New interest in literature and art
Luxury goods were in demand
Spices for food
Improved technology as Muslim science and
achievements were learned
New military skills and advanced weaponry
Birth of Commerce
Agricultural Advances
New Plows
More land
Produce more and increased food production
New lands opened up
Germans moved to eastern Europe doubling the size of
their lands
New harness and Yokes
Horses could be used instead of oxen
Pulled faster
Revival of towns cause rapid growth of trade
By sea, road and rivers goods from east and
other towns arrived
Roads were rebuilt and repaired
Venice, Pisa, Genoa controlled the
Mediterranean trade –fur,slaves,timber,cloth
Flanders(Belgium) controlled trade on
northern coast - Wool
Trade fairs
Barter first used for trade
2 chickens for 1 yard of cloth
Luxury goods required cash
Common means of exchange was needed
Money changers
Frequently Italian or Jewish
Determined value of currencies and exchanged
Developed means to transferring funds
Nobles and clergy dependent on them
Too far in debt
Serfs allowed to purchase freedoms, towns purchased more rights, or Pogroms
With decline of warfare and raiding towns
Usually on trade routes
Walled to protect itself from bandits
Shops on ground level homes above
No sanitation and disease a constant problem
1348-1350 Black Death – bubonic plague
carried by rats and fleas killed 1/3 of Europe's
Merchants paid lords for charters of their
freedoms(rights) and formed communes
Merchants and artisans formed associations
Merchant guilds formed monopolies on
Uniform pricing
Craft guilds used for training and quality
Rules of on prices, wages, employment
Trained apprentices
Worked without pay
Journey men
Worked with pay
Women in urban areas
Often towns had more women then
More opportunity and women could not
Most industry – textile (women’s work)
Also worked as undertakers and
Rise of Middle Class
Wealthy merchants, bankers and
Burgers, bourgeoisie, burgesses
As kings and nobles relied on them for
cash and credit they gained political
Town Government
Exchanged cash for charters
Charters specified rights of city dwellers
Also spelled out obligations
In Italy cities became independent city
Hindered nation building and left the
country open to invasion
Most people were illiterate
Clergy were the only educated class
Growth of towns required an educated middle
Needed lawyers
Universities separate from the church began to
Roman Classics and Law
Greek philosophy and science
Medieval Scholars
Peter Abelard
University of Paris
Wrote Sic et Non showing 2 sides to religious
Thomas Aquinas
Universities of Paris and Naples
Suma Theologica
Claimed reason was a gift from God and could be
used to find philosophical answers
Medieval Literature
Songs and Epics of non literate times
collected and written down
Song of Roland
Anglo-Saxon Epic
Tristan and Isolde
King Arthur
Dante-Divine Comedy
Chaucer – Canterbury Tales
Medieval Art
Seen in Cathedrals
Stained glass
Illuminated manuscripts
The rise of Monarchy
Norman Invasion of England
United England under Planteganets
Henry I
 Edward I
 Henry II- Eleanor of Aquitaine
Kings of England owned more land in
France then in England
Kings of England owned more land in
France then the French King
1066 the Battle of Hastings
William of Normandy (France)
 Claimed throne of England
 Said the king, Edward the Confessor, and his
cousin had on his deathbed left the throne to him
 Harold the Edward’s son-in-law claimed the throne
 War and the last successful invasion of England
took place..William won
 Gave fiefs of land to his Norman knights and split
them up so no one controlled large blocks of land
Kings power grew under the
Henry II 1154-1189
Established common law
Grand jury set up – charged crimes
Petit jury-ruled on crimes
Invaded Ireland 1171 beginning the Anglo-Irish
Thomas a Becket
Arch bishop of Canterbury
Opposed the growing power of Henry over the
Murdered by followers of Henry and became a
Richard I – the lion heart
Spent most of his rule in Middle East and
Only in England a total of 6 months
Fought crusades
Taken hostage and his ransom bankrupted
John I
Ruled while Richard was gone
Raised taxes to pay for the crusade and
Lost land to France
Nobles revolted
Runnymede 1215 forced John to sign the Magna
Carta (Great Charter)
Beginning of limits on royal power – no taxation
without representation
Henry III
John’s son
Middle class came into being
Towns grew in power
Townspeople allowed to sit on the
Great Council to advise the king
Became known as parliament
Forced to allow parliament to meet 3 times
a year
987 Hugh Capet
Began with a power base of Paris
Capetian rulers in power for 300 years
Louis VI (the fat)1108 -1137
used townspeople to strengthen king
Took power from nobles
Granted self government to towns
Philip II 1180-1223
Double the size of France – taking land from John of
Formed semi permanent royal army loyal to him and
not the lords
Strengthened the power of the curia regis – royal
Louis IX 1125-1270 St. Louis
 Made royal courts dominant over feudal counts
 Only king could mint coins
 Banned warfare between his vassals
Philip IV ( the fair) 1285-1314
Raised taxes
Taxed the clergy – Rome screamed but
Called the Estates-General
Assembly of nobles, clergy and
Used them to raise national taxes
Never as powerful as Parliament
The Holy Roman Empire
Germans controlled
Claimed right to influence election of Popes
Civil wars between German lords kept them
from gaining power
Henry IV
Quarrel with Pope Gregory VII 1073
Lay investiture
Henry had to back down and beg forgiveness
Concordant of Worms 1122
Emperor named bishops and gave land
Pope could reject unworthy candidates
100 Years War
War between France and England
1328 French king died without heir
England was defending its land ownership
France was try to reclaim its land
English King claimed the throne
French supported Valois claim
English at first successful due to the use of its
long bow archers
Battle of Crecy 1346
Battle of Agincourt 1415
Jean d’Arc
Peasant woman
Claimed God had spoken to her and
demanded she help remove English from
1429 went to Chinon and persuaded Charles
heir to thrown to give her his troops
At Orleans she defeated the English
1430 Captured by English and burned as a
French rallied and threw out the English
After defeat of English kings were
Louis XI united France
Strengthened the bureaucracy
Promoted trade
Limited power of nobles
Civil war
Henry VI died childless
War between York and Tutors
Tutor family triumphed
Symbols were the red and white rose
War of the Roses
Henry VII married daughter to the king of
Made England strong and united
Main problem Islamic control of south
Marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella
of Castile
United Christian forces
1492 more important as the year the Muslims
were driven from Spain
Also little recognized explore Christopher
Columbus set sail for India by going west
Inquisition court enforced Catholicism and Jews
and Muslims forced to flee or die
Trouble in the Church
Weakened by warfare, disease, and rise of
1300’s papacy came under control of the
French monarchy
Pope Clement V 1205 moved from Rome to
Avignon to escape civil wars
Appointed only French Cardinals
Successors all French remained in Avignon until 1377
Called the Babylonian Captivity
1377 Pope Gregory XI left Avignon for
Roman mobs force college of cardinals
to elect an Italian to succeed him
College elected a second Pope that
moved back to Avignon
Church was divided until 1417
Calls came from all levels for change
Simony – selling of church positions
Indulgences- pay away sins
John Wycliff
Claimed Bible was sole authority for religious truth
Translated Bible from Latin into English
Support so wide spread he could not be punished
Reform II
Jan Hus
Reforms were against abuses of church and for
Czech control
Moved to eliminate power of German Clergy
1415 called to council of Constance to defend his
Burned at the stake as a heretic
Five crusades against the Hussites did not stop
the revolt
Bennet, J.M. & Hollister, C.W. (2006).
Medieval Europe: A Short History.10th
Edition. Boston. McGraw-Hill