Jeopardy - Norwell Public Schools
Transcript Jeopardy - Norwell Public Schools
Crusades Death
Double Jeopardy
Terms for $100
This was used to keep track of
the census gathered by King
William (the Conqueror)
$100 Answer for Terms
What is the
Doomsday Book?
Terms for $200
My friend Henry
II had better
think it over
before he gives me
the powerful
position of
not even a priest!
This practice of presenting a non-clergy
person with a powerful position in the
church was banned by Pope Gregory.
$200 Answer for Terms
What is lay
Terms for $300
A powerful group of lords and
barons forced weak King John of
England to sign this charter
which gave more rights to the
nobles and common people.
$300 Answer for Terms
What is the
Magna Carta?
Terms for $400
The Christian monarchy’s plan to
take back the land of Spain from
the Muslims was know as this.
$400 Answer for Terms
What is the Reconquista?
Terms for $500
This term referred to the blending of the
faith of Christian teachings with the
logic of reasoning to find the divine
and logic
can exist
Thomas Aquinas
Give it
$500 Answer for Terms
What is scholasticism?
People for $100
This great king of England felt he had
been betrayed by this other man, his
former best friend who went on to
become the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Name the two men.
$100 Answer for People
Who were King Henry
II and Thomas Becket?
People for $200
Who was the annoying princess who
kept swishing her hair in the movie
The Plague AND
Who was the very cool, brave, and
valiant doctor who sought a cure to
this disease?
$200 Answer for People
Who were Princess
Joan and Guy
People for $300
These two Spanish rulers began a
period of religious prejudice against
all who were not Christian and were
responsible for igniting the
Inquisition in Spain.
$300 Answer for People
Who were King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella?
It’s pretty
clear that I
marry for
People for $400
This English king was
excommunicated by Pope Gregory VII
for the king’s refusal to stop giving his
loyal nobles powerful religious
$400 Answer for People
Who was King Henry IV?
People for $500
At one time this French king was
the most powerful ruler in Europe
having used trickery,
diplomacy, and war to extend
his royal lands.
$500 Answer for People
Who was King
Phillip II
(aka Phillip
Crusades for $100
The number of total
crusades fought during
the high Medieval Ages.
$100 Answer for Crusades
What is four?
Crusades for $200
These two principal groups battled
one another in each of the
Crusades except for the final one.
$200 Answer for Crusades
Who were the Christians and
the Muslims (or Turks)?
Crusades for $300
This Muslim Turk was an
extremely effective leader on
the battlefield during the
Crusades. He also opened up
the Holy Land to Jews and
Christians for pilgrimage.
$300 Answer Crusades
Who was Salah al-Din (aka Saladin)?
Crusades for $400
List at least three primary
reasons that knights and
others joined the Crusades.
Is not the most
noble reason to
find the Holy
$400 Answer for Crusades
What are any 3 of the following:
•To fight in God’s name
•To free the Holy Land from infidels
•To escape poverty and trouble from home
•To explore exotic lands
•To become wealthy with gold or land
Crusades for $500
Name four major ways that the
Crusades impacted Europe.
$500 Answer for Crusades
What is at least four of the following choices:
•Bitter legacy of religious hatred between
Muslims, Jews, and Christians
•Increased trade
•Improved money economy
•Increase power to monarchs through levying
•Brief period of very strong papal power
•Increased interest in exploring new worlds
Black Death for $100
Another name for the Black Death.
$100 Answer for Black Death
What is the
bubonic plague?
Black Death for $200
The army which was responsible for
spreading the plague throughout most
of Asia in the 1200’s.
$200 Answer for the Black Death
Who were the Mongols?
Black Death for $300
Three reasons the plague spread
so quickly once it hit Europe.
$300 Answer for Black Death
What is
1. from poor town sanitation and
infected flea-bitten rats
2. from increased trade via ships
3. from close exposure to an infected
4. from invading infected soldiers
Black Death for $400
List at least three major effects
of the Black Death.
$400 Answer for Black Death
What is at least three of the following:
1. Millions of deaths in a short time resulted in
a serious shortage of labor
2. Inflation rises (increased costs of goods)
2. The feudal system began to decline
3. Persecution against Jews and perceived
“heretics” increased
4. The Church loses power over people and this
leads to religious upheaval
Black Death for $500
$500 Answer for Black Death
Who were the flagellants?
Other Stuff for $100
She led the French to victory
in the Hundreds Years’ War.
$100 Answer for Other Stuff
Who was Joan of Arc?
Other Stuff for $200
This weapon helped the British to win a
string of victories during the Hundred
Years’ War.
$200 Answer for Other Stuff
What is the longbow?
Other Stuff for $300
The Fourth Crusade was a
principle battle between
these two groups.
$300 Answer for Key Concepts
Who were the Western Roman
Christians and the Eastern
Orthodox Christians (Byzantine
Other Stuff for $400
Most of Europe was well
behind the advancements being
made in other sections of the
world such as China, India,
and West Africa. Name at least
three advancements or
inventions attributed to these
other civilizations.
$400 Answer for Other Stuff
What are at least 3 of the following:
1. International trade flourished
2. Invention of a number system
3. Invention of paper and printing
4. Invention of gunpowder
5. Advancements in architecture
Other Stuff for $500
One of the most powerful popes of the High
Middle Ages, he fought with many
monarchs in his effort to claim supremacy
over all men and their rulers. He also led a
holy crusade against religious rebels in
Southern France known as the Albigensian
$500 Answer for Key Concepts
Who was Pope Innocent III?
Double Jeopardy
According to the film The Plague,
this fanatical group punished
themselves by self- whipping due to
religious fears and superstitions
regarding God’s wrath upon those
whom had sinned.