Transcript Jeopardy

Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Final Jeopardy
1 - $100
This is a nomadic, desert tribesman who joined
with other tribesmen to begin the settlements
from which the Muslim Empire sprang.
What are the Bedouin?
1 - $200
In Arabic, this means "the god."
What is Allah?
1 - $300
This city was the original home of Muhammad
and became its most holy city.
What is Mecca?
1 - $400
This refers to the migration in 622 of
Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to
What is Hijrah?
1 - $500
The name of this city means the "city of the
What is Medina?
2 - $100
This is a division of Islam that believes only a
relative of Muhammad is qualified to be a
2 - $200
He was the only son of the one true God, Allah.
What Muslims believe about Muhammad?
2 - $300
In this form of art the greatest cultural blending
of the Muslim world can be seen.
What is architecture?
2 - $400
They replaced the last of the "rightly guided"
Who are the Umayyads
2 - $500
The capital of the Abbasid Empire
3 - $100
This is the pilgrimage that each Muslim strives to
make at least once in a lifetime.
What is a hajj?
3 - $200
This is what the duties of all Muslims are called.
What are the Five Pillars?
3 - $300
This is the Muslim holy book and is considered
to be the true word of God only in its original
Arabic version.
What is the Qur'an?
3 - $400
This means "one who has submitted."
What is a Muslim?
3 - $500
This is an Islamic house of worship.
What is a mosque?
4 - $100
This group of invaders probably founded
Who were the Vikings?
4 - $200
He created a legal code for Kiev.
Who is Yaroslav the Wise?
4 - $300
This Russian prince and military hero was
declared a saint.
Who is Alexander Nevsky?
4 - $400
Kievan ruler who forced Kiev to convert to
Byzantine Christianity
Who is Vladimir?
4 - $500
These people attacked and demolished Kiev.
Who are the Mongols?
5 - $100
The Abbasids were rulers of the this empire.
What is the Muslim Empire.
5 - $200
This term means "nobles“.
What are boyars?
5 - $300
This term is the title of the Russian emperor.
What is a czar?
5 - $400
These people's traditions were combined with
those of the Greek Byzantines to provide the
foundation for Russian culture.
Who are the Slavs?
5 - $500
These people came from the forest region north
of the Black Sea.
Who are the Slavs?
Final Jeopardy
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