Transcript Mattias

Askia The Great
Mattias Henning
Alec Berry
Tommy Baronner
Cameron Carter
 In past section Sunni Ali
strengthened and enlarged
 He died in 1492.
 His son, Sunni Barru followed
in his foot steps, but he was
not Muslim.
Information-Askia the great
 Sunni Baru was not Muslim, which made
people afraid.
 People rebelled, leader was called
Muhammad Ture.
 He overthrew Sunni Baru, and took title
Askia (a title of high military rank).
 He soon became known as Askia the
 Muhammad Ture took Muslim faith
very seriously.
 Went on pilgrimage to Mecca.
Information- Education
 Muhammad Ture greatly supported education.
 Under his rule Timbuktu flourished.
 The city had universities, schools, libraries, and
 People from all of West Africa came here to
 Djenne was also a center of learning, here they
discovered that Mosquitoes spread Malaria and
even performed surgery on the human eye.
Information-Trade and Government
Each of these cities were also centers of trade.
Merchants from afar came to trade here.
Askia greatly encouraged growth of Islam.
His laws were similar to other Muslim nations across
To keep order he divided Songhai into five provinces.
Removed local leaders, and selected loyal governors.
One governor ran empire while he was on Hajj.
Created special departments to supervise certain
Formed a standing professional army, the first in West