Science In The Renaissance!

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Revolutions in Science
Galileo Galilei
Sir. Isaac Newton
Tycho Brahe
Began well before the
Enlightenment, dating as
far back as the
Lasted through the
Enlightenment period
Contributed to the
questioning of Royal and
Religious Authority
• Aristotle first believed in the geocentric universe
• Ptolemy is a famous Greek astronomer who
believed that the earth was the center of the
• Most people agreed with this because it was
common sense
• It also followed the teachings of the church.
• The discoveries of the 1500’s and 1600’s
radically change the way the physical world is
Countered the
teachings of the
Theory of the
Facts About Copernicus
• He came up with a different model in which the
planets all circled the sun.
• Copernicus's theory explained some problems, such
as the reason that Mercury and Venus are only
observed close to the Sun and Mar’s retrograde
motion the Earth, traveling in its smaller orbit.
• 1542 – Copernicus’ book on Trigonometry, an
extract from certain chapters of De Revolutionibus,
published at Wittenberg.
• 1543 – Nicolas Copernicus died.
Copernicus introduces a new model for thought the sun centered
universe or Heliocentric.
Copernicus believed that earth was one of several planets that revolved
around the sun
Most experts reject this idea as it completely contradicts Aristotle as
well as Ptolemy and the Church.
In the late 1500’s Tyco Brahe provides evidence that Copernicus was
correct. Brahe observed the sky on a nightly basis to record the
movements of heavenly bodies.
He did this for years but, died before he could finish the job .
The Church!
Combined the
Teachings of the Church
with Science
Observed the Universe
with the Naked Eye
Collected Data used by
later Astronomers
Tycho Brahe
• He was born in 1546, ran his
own printing press.
• 1572 he observed the new star
and the comet (1577).
• Tycho Brahe made a remarkable
star catalogue of over 1000
• He built a nice castle on the
island Hven, between Denmark
and Sweden. This castle, named
• Tycho's lived by the words
"Non videri sed esse" “Not to
be seen, but to be.”
The Tychonic Theory
Brahe’s Observatory
Lost his Nose in a drunken duel
w/ fellow Danish Noble
Had a replacement nose of Gold
and Silver attached by paste
His father died of
pneumonia after
saving Frederick II of
Denmark from
He kept a “dwarf”
named Jepp who be
believed was clairvoyant
Jepp sat under the
table during dinner
Had a pet Elk that died
after drinking too much
beer and falling down the
For 100s of years it
was believed he died
from an exploded
bladder at a dinner
Recent studies
show mercury
Brahe assistant Johannes Kepler
use his data to support
Copernicus’ theory about the sun
centered universe.
Kepler discovers that planets
move in ellipses not perfect circles
Planets move at different speeds
And orbit is directly related to the
distance from the sun.
Kepler’s 3 Laws
LAW 1: The orbit of a planet/comet about the Sun is an ellipse with
the Sun's center of mass at one focus
This is the equation for an ellipse:
LAW 2: A line joining a planet/comet and the Sun sweeps out equal
areas in equal intervals of time.
LAW 3: The squares of the periods of the planets
are proportional to the cubes of their semi-major
Ta2 / Tb2 = Ra3 / Rb3
Contradicted the
teachings of the
Invented a more
powerful Telescope
Proved the
Heliocentric Theory of
the Universe
• Galileo an Italian thinker uses a
Dutch lens grinder to create the first
astronomical telescope
• He is the first person to see
mountains on the moon and sun
• Also see the four moons of Jupiter
and exactly how the earth rotates
around the sun
• His discoveries and publication of
same cause an uproar in the Church
• Galileo is attacked and brought
before the Inquisition
• He is threatened with death if does
not recant his views so he does.
3 Laws of Motion
Universal Gravitation
• Isaac Newton was an extremely
religious person who was highly
• Was a student at Cambridge
• BY 24 he had a theory as to why
planets moves as they did he called
• In 1687 he published information on
the laws of gravity
• He believed that all motion in the
universe can be measured
• Every body in the universe attracts
every other in a precise relationship.
"A body continues to maintain its state of rest
or of uniform motion unless acted upon by an
external unbalanced force."
"F = ma: the net
force on an object
is equal to the
mass of the object
multiplied by its
"To every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction."
Newton’s Accomplishments
• Newton made a huge impact on theoretical astronomy.
He defined the laws of motion and universal gravitation
which he used to predict precisely the motions of stars,
and the planets around the sun.
• Invented integral calculus, and jointly with Leibnitz,
differential calculus.
• By 1666 Newton had early versions of his three laws of
motion. He had also discovered the law giving the
centrifugal force on a body moving uniformly in a circular
path. However he did not have a correct understanding of
the mechanics of circular motion.
Advances in Medicine
• Paracelsus- developed new chemical
philosophy of medicine- Like cures Like
– Use toxic substances to cure patients
• Boyle -father of modern chemistry Boyle’s
law difference between chemical elements
and compounds
More advances
• Vesalius- study medicine
and the anatomy
• New approach to
• Harvey work on the heart
and circulation, capillaries
• Laid foundation for modern
Discovered how the
Heart works and how
it pumps blood
through the
Circulatory System
Founder of
Modern Human
De Humani
Corporis Fabrica
Libri Septem (On
the Fabric of the
Human Body in
Seven Books)
A Page
From Vesalius’
One of the two giants of the scientific
Rejects Aristotle’s scientific assumption
Challenges scholarly traditions that
made the physical world fit.
Science must work within the frame
work of the church.
Truth is at the end of a process of
• Decartes used reason to
explain things
• The Best road to
understanding is
• You need to first discover
basic truths
• The universe is a unified
majestic system.