Transcript document

1. With - in
the heart
of ev - ’ry man
(1. With - in the heart
of ev-’ry man)
He strives him-self
to un - der - stand;
God’s might - y
from a - ges past,
De-clares His
(1. God’s might-y hand
from a-ges past,
De - clares His work)
right-eous - ness.
I hear His
ten thou-sand tongues,
I hear His voice,
ten thou-sand tongues,
The rocks and hills,
the birds that sing;
The rocks and hills,
the birds that sing;
The rip-pling brook,
all na-ture tells,
The rip - pling brook,
all na-ture tells,
That God still lives
is well.
and all is well.
That God still lives
and all
2. From great-est man
to in - fant child,
(2. From greatest man
to infant child,)
From space a - far
to grain of sand;
writ - ten
it’s ev - ’ry-where,
That God is
(2. ’Tis writ - ten plain,
it’s ev-’ry-where,
That God
His won-drous pow’r.
I hear His
ten thou-sand tongues,
I hear His voice,
ten thou-sand tongues,
The rocks and hills,
the birds that sing;
The rocks and hills,
the birds that sing;
The rip-pling brook,
all na-ture tells,
The rip - pling brook,
all na-ture tells,
That God still lives
is well.
and all is well.
That God still lives
and all
3. I see His pow’r,
ten thousand worlds,
(3. I see His pow’r,
ten thousand worlds,
or - der of
the un - i - verse;
Where - ’ere man
God’s gone be - fore,
(3. Where-’ere man goes,
God’s gone be-fore,
cre - a - tion
Foun - da - tions laid,)
I hear His
ten thou-sand tongues,
I hear His voice,
ten thou-sand tongues,
The rocks and hills,
the birds that sing;
The rocks and hills,
the birds that sing;
The rip-pling brook,
all na-ture tells,
The rip - pling brook,
all na-ture tells,
That God still lives
is well.
and all is well.
That God still lives
and all
4. Tho man may go
to dis-tant star
(4. Tho man may go
to distant star)
God’s hand laid out,
the path a - far;
re -
to earth a - gain,
Man can but
(4. And lo, re-turns
to earth a-gain,
“How great Thou
Man can but say,)
I hear His
ten thou-sand tongues,
I hear His voice,
ten thou-sand tongues,
The rocks and hills,
the birds that sing;
The rocks and hills,
the birds that sing;
The rip-pling brook,
all na-ture tells,
The rip - pling brook,
all na-ture tells,
That God still lives
is well.
and all is well.
That God still lives
and all