Transcript Slide 1

Madison, WI, USA
• Title: Dual-Modality PET and Optical Imaging of CD105
Expression in Breast Cancer
• Authors: Yin Zhang, Hao Hong, Yunan Yang, Jonathan
Engle, Charles Theuer, Todd Barnhart, Weibo Cai
• Institution: University of Wisconsin - Madison
• Abstract #: 70
• Session: RPSC Young Investigator Award Symposium
(June 10, 2012 from 4:15 PM to 5:45 PM)
CD105/Endoglin Expression in Solid Tumors
• CD105 is selectively expressed on proliferating endothelial
cells at very high levels (up to 3×106 copies per cell)
• TRC105 is a human/murine chimeric IgG1 monoclonal
antibody that binds to both human and murine CD105
FACS Analysis of 64Cu-NOTA-TRC105-800CW
Zhang Y, Hong H, et al., Mol Pharm, 2012.
In Vivo PET and Optical Imaging
4T1 Breast Cancer Model
Zhang Y, Hong H, et al., Mol Pharm, 2012.
Ex Vivo PET and Optical Imaging
T: Tumor
L1: Liver
Zhang Y, Hong H, et al., Mol Pharm, 2012.