Transcript 105

Adapted from Bjarne Stroustrup
Prof. Zhang, Spring 2012
Fordham Univ.
Today, we’ll outline the aims for this course
and present a rough course plan. We’ll
introduce the basic notion of programming
and give examples of areas in which
software is critical to our civilization.
Finally, we’ll present the simplest possible
C++ program and outline how it can be made
into running code.
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Syllabus
goals and outline
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 In
 For beginners
who want to become professionals
who are assumed to be bright
i.e., people who can produce systems that others will
Though not (necessarily) geniuses
who are willing to work hard
Though do need sleep occasionally, and take a normal
course load
 Using
the C++ programming language
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
Washout course
“if you can get into the science/engineering parts
of a university, you can handle this course”
course in
The C++ programming language
who want to become language lawyers
 For
We try not to get bogged down in technical obscurities
We try not to spoon feed
who are assumed to be a bit dim and fairly lazy
 Using
Some untested software development
methodologies and a lot of unnecessarily long
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Learn
Fundamental programming concepts
Key useful techniques
Basic Standard C++ facilities
Write small colloquial C++ programs
Read much larger programs
Learn the basics of many other languages by yourself
Proceed with an “advanced” C++ programming course
An expert programmer
A C++ language expert
An expert user of advanced libraries
 After
 After
the course, you’ll be able to
the course, you will not (yet) be
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Lectures
Attend every one
 Outside
Read a chapter ahead, and read the chapter again
after each lecture
Read actively: with questions in mind, try to
reorganize/rephrase the key points in your mind
Review questions/Terms in chapters
of lectures
Always do the drills, before the exercises
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Assignments
Written homework
Small questions for reviewing key concepts.
Please type and print, and submit hard-copy
Lab projects
That’s where the most fun and the best learning takes place
Don’t wait until lab section to start the project
 Start to think about the project early
 Finish up & get help during labs
 Quizzes
Randomly assigned
 Exams
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
Don’t study alone when you don’t have to
Form study groups
Do help each other (without plagiarizing)
If in doubt if a collaboration is legitimate:
Don’t claim to have written code that you copied from
Don’t give anyone else your code (to hand in for a
When you rely on the work of others, explicitly list all
of your sources – i.e. give credit to those who did the
Seek help: tutor’s room, my office hours
Go prepared with questions
The only stupid questions are the ones you wanted to
ask but didn’t
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Grading
No curving
No grade appeal: it’s not fair to others
Notify instructors about your difficult situations if
special accomodation is needed
 Everything
on course website
Assignments, slides, guidelines, …
 Book support website
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
Faster than humans; not smarter
Executes very quickly a huge number of
primitive operations
Stores data
Interacts with devices
Runs programs to handle different tasks:
Balance checkbooks
Process words, display documents
Play games
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 CPU:
Central Processing Unit
Consists of a single, or small number of, chip(s)
made of plastic, metal and mostly silicon
Composed of several million transistors
Enormously complicated wiring
 Performs
program control, arithmetic, and
data movement
One operation at a time
Locates and executes program instructions
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
(Random Access Memory): read-write
 ROM (Read Only Memory): contains certain
programs that must always be present
 Secondary storage (e.g., a hard drive)
provides persistent storage
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Allow
the computer to interact with user
and other computers:
Network card
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
Bus: a set of electrical lines that connect the CPU, RAM, slots and other connector
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
electronic numerical integrator and computer
First usable electronic computer, Supported by
Navy, for ballistic calculations
 Before ENIAC, people who did these calculations
were called "computers"
 Designed by J. Presper Eckert & John Mauchly, at
Completed in 1946 – 2 years before transistors
Many cabinets, in a large room
18,000 vacuum tubes
Programmed by connecting wires on panels
Later used for tabulating US Census data, etc.
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
Conventional definitions
Telling a very fast moron exactly what to do
The definition we’ll use
Specifying the structure and behavior of a program,
and testing that the program performs its task
correctly and with acceptable performance
Never forget to check that “it” works
Programming is communicating between
programmer and computer
What language ?
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Machine
instructions: extremely primitive, e.g.
Move memory contents to a register
Subtract 100 from a register
If result is positive, go (jump) to another instruction
 Each
type/family of processor has its own set of
machine instructions
 Machine instructions are encoded as numbers:
161 40000 45 100 127 11280
 writing numeric codes manually is tedious and
error prone
thousands of instructions for a simple program
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Assembly
assigns short names to commands
Can give names to memory locations
mov 40000, %eax sub 100, %eax jg 11280
 Makes
reading easier for humans
 Translated into machine instructions by the
assembler , a system program
 Still processor dependent
 Still a great many instructions
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Higher-level
programming language:
 Easiest for humans to read and write:
if( int_rate > 100 ) cout << "Interest rate error";
 Independent
of the underlying hardware
You can write a program in C++, and it can work in
different Unix machine …
There are still some architecture dependence in code
by compilers into machine instructions
 Much stricter than spoken languages
 Translated
Compilers don't like to guess
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Initially
designed in 1972 (Kernighan &
C: developed to be translated efficiently into fast
machine code, with minimal housekeeping overhead
 Features
were added in response to
perceived shortcomings
Resulted in different dialects, bad for
 1989
— ANSI standard of C completed
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
1979 — Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T adds
object oriented features to C, called C with
1985 — rename to C++
 1998 — ISO C++ standard published
 2003 — minor revision to the ISO standard
 2009 — major revision expected
 Most commonly used language for systems such
 OS
Growing popularity in embedded systems
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
purpose of a programming language is to
allow you to express your ideas in code
C++ is the language that most directly allows you
to express ideas from largest number of
application areas
available on almost all kinds of computers,
most widely used language in engineering
precisely and comprehensively defined
Programming concepts that you learn using
C++ can be used fairly directly in other
Including C, Java, C#, and (less directly) Fortran
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Just
about everywhere
Mars rovers, animation, graphics, Photoshop, GUI, OS, compilers,
slides, chip design, chip manufacturing, semiconductor tools, etc.
See www.research.att/~bs/applications.html
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
For most of this semester, you will work on, a Linux based server
through a command-line interface
 Command-line interface is a mechanism for
interacting with a computer by typing commands
to perform specific tasks.
text-only interface
 Different from using of a mouse pointer with
a graphical user interface (GUI) to click on options
Above interaction occurs in a text terminal or in
a terminal emulator window as a remote shell
client such as PuTTY.
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
Terminal runs a command-line interpreter
Called shell in Unix, bash, csh, …
A special system program/command
A dialogue:
Shell waits for user to enter a command
User instruct computer to perform a given task by
"entering" a command
User concludes text command by pressing "Enter" key (a
descendant of "carriage return" key of a typewriter
Shell reads (from keyboard), parses and executes the
Output of commands are displayed in terminal
Go back to 1, or finish dialog typing “exit”
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 General
command_name [options] [arguments]
 command
name is an executable file
System commands: cal, cat, cd, who …
The executable file you generated …
 To
learn more about how to use system
man who
man ls
 You
will learn basic unix commands in lab1
 First one to encounter: passwd
 Next one: emacs
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
C++ source code
C++ compiler
Object code
Executable program
Library Object code
You write C++ source code using a text editor
text editor to use:
Name the file with suffix .cpp, e.g., lab1.cpp, tictactoe.cpp, …
NotePad on Windows
emacs on Unix system (storm)
Do not use Word, which perform annoying automatic
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
// …
int main()
cout << "Hello, world!\n";
return 0;
// main() is where a C++ program starts
// output the 13 characters Hello, world!
// followed by a new line
// return a value indicating success
quotes delimit a string literal
NOTE: “smart” quotes “ ” will cause compiler problems.
so make sure your quotes are of the style " “
\n is a notation for a new line
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
// a first program:
#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h" // get the library facilities needed for now
int main( )
cout << "Hello, world!\n";
return 0;
// main() is where a C++ program starts
// output the 13 characters Hello, world!
// followed by a new line
// return a value indicating success
note the semicolons; they terminate statements
curly brackets { … } group statements into a block
main( ) is a function that takes no arguments ( ), and returns an
int (integer value) to indicate success or failure
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
It’s almost all “boiler plate”
Boilerplate: any text that is or can be reused in new
contexts or applications without being changed much from
the original, e.g., boilerplate code, legal boilerplate
Only cout << "Hello, world!\n" directly does anything
“Boiler plate,” makes our code simple,
comprehensible, trustworthy, and efficient.
#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h“
int main()
return 0;
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
C++ source code
C++ compiler
Object code
Executable program
Library Object code
Compiler translates source code into object code (i.e., machine
code, machine understandable)
Linker links your code to system code
System code (or library): input/output libraries, operating system
code, and windowing code
 So that you don’t need to worry about how to read from keyboard …
For now, compile and link using a single command
g++ helloworld.cpp
Result is an executable program, by default named a.out
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Execute
the program
Type command in terminal:
The ./ is needed to tell system where
to look for file a.out
 An
iterative process:
Compilation Errors? Edit file. Compile
Test/Execute the program
Run-time Errors? Edit file. Compile
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Get
familiar with programming environment
Login, logout, account setup
 Basic Unix commands
 Emacs editor
 Compiler
 Type in hello world program carefully
 Try make a few mistakes to see how compiler
responds; for example
Forget the header
Forget to terminate the string
Misspell return (e.g. retrun)
Forget a semicolon
Forget { or }
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Integrated
desktop environments (IDEs) shield
user from compilation details:
 Enter code in a window
 Click a button to "compile"
 Click another to run
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
Express your
idea using C++
compiler translates C++
source into object code
linker takes your object
files and code from various
libraries, outputs an
executable file
(already translated)
code, such as iostream
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Programming
Just state what the machine is to do
 So
So we don’t always know the implications of what we want
“Programming is understanding”
And computers are nitpicking, unforgiving, dumb beasts
The world is more complex than we’d like to believe
why is programming hard?
We want “the machine” to do complex things
is fundamentally simple
When you can program a task, you understand it
When you program, you spend significant time trying to
understand the task you want to automate
Programming is part practical, part theory
If you are just practical, you produce non-scalable
unmaintainable hacks
If you are just theoretical,
you produce toys 41
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 For
me, programming is like a puzzle
because you know what you want the end
product to look like, it’s just about finding
the right pieces.
 To me, programming is like reinterpreting
how people solve problems and using the
tools available to use. It is like translating
from one lagunage to another for the above
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
For me, programming is like an apple. At times,
it can be difficult to complete, just as an apple
that hangs high on the tree can be hard to
attain. However, if you think step by step, or
climb branch by branch, you can always reach
the apple. A program must be very precise, just
like the perfect apple – there are no bumps or
bruises. If there are errors, they must be
fixed (cut out) before you can run the program
(eat the apple). In the end, a good apply is
always satisfying, and the harder it was to pick,
the better it tastes.
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012
 Assignment:
Read chapter 3
 Next
class: types, values, variables,
declarations, simple input and output, very
simple computations, and type safety.
CISC1600, Zhang, Spring 2012