Transcript File

Theorists Pregnancy
Prenatal Dev. Labor/Birth Newborns
Q $100
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Q $500
Q $500
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Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1
Theorist who studied cognitive or
intellectual development
$100 Answer from H1
Who is Jean Piaget
$200 Question from H1
He believed that we continue
to develop throughout life and
divided life into eight stages
$200 Answer from H1
Who is Eric Erickson?
$300 Question from H1
Responding to an infant each
Time he/she cries, develops trust
In this first stage identified by Erik
$300 Answer from H1
What is Trust vs. Mistrust?
$400 Question from H1
The age group of children in
the preoperational stage defined
by Jean Piaget
$400 Answer from H1
What are preschool (3-5 years) children?
$500 Question from H1
The way very young children learn
as defined by Jean Piaget
$500 Answer from H1
What is “by using their senses?”
$100 Question from H2
The time period of a full-term
$100 Answer from H2
What is 40 weeks?
$200 Question from H2
A complication in pregnancy often
characterized by sudden weight gain
And high blood pressure.
$200 Answer from H2
What is Toxemia/Pre-eclampsia?
$300 Question from H2
Another name for spontaneous
$300 Answer from H2
What is miscarriage?
$400 Question from H2
An important nutrient for a motherto-be to take before and during pregnancy
to prevent neural tube birth defects such as
spina bifida and anencephaly
$400 Answer from H2
What is folic acid?
$500 Question from H2
Type of twins produced by 2 separate
eggs and two separate sperm
$500 Answer from H2
What are fraternal twins?
$100 Question from H3
The organ that provided nutrition
and oxygen to the developing embryo
and fetus
$100 Answer from H3
What is the placenta?
$200 Question from H3
The first 2 weeks of prenatal development
$200 Answer from H3
What is the zygote
$300 Question from H3
The name of the prenatal baby after
it has formed all of its body parts and
$300 Answer from H3
What is a fetus?
$400 Question from H3
A birth common birth defect involving
distinct facial characteristic, mental
retardation and possible organ deformities
that is caused by having an extra 21st
$400 Answer from H3
What is Down’s Syndrome?
$500 Question from H3
The type of gene that must be received from
BOTH parents in order for a child to exhibit
that characteristic
$500 Answer from H3
What is a recessive gene?
$100 Question from H4
The first stage of labor
$100 Answer from H4
What is effacement and dilation
of the cervix?
$200 Question from H4
The most common anesthesia used
for childbirth
$200 Answer from H4
What is epidural anesthesia or
epidural block?
$300 Question from H4
An incision that is sometimes made in the
perineum to enlarge the opening to the birth
$300 Answer from H4
What is an episiotomy?
$400 Question from H4
The 3rd stage of labor
$400 Answer from H4
What is delivery of the placenta, amniotic
sac and umbilical cord (afterbirth)
$500 Question from H4
The word for when the vaginal canal
widens to 10 cm (the largest it goes)
$500 Answer from H4
What is dilation?
$100 Question from H5
A quick visual evaluation of the newborn
at 1 and 5 minutes after birth that involves
a score for quality in muscle tone, heart rate,
reflexes, skin color, and breathing effort
$100 Answer from H5
What is the APGAR test?
$200 Question from H5
The name of the spaces between the five
boney plates of the infants skull
$200 Answer from H5
What is fontanel?
$300 Question from H5
A condition that involves brain damage
caused by shaking, tossing, hitting, dropping
or roughly jostling a small child
$300 Answer from H5
What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?
$400 Question from H5
A reflex that causes a newborn to
stiffen out their arms and legs, throw
their head back and usually also scream
$400 Answer from H5
What is the Startle or Moro
$500 Question from H5
The 3 most important activities for a
parent to do with their infant for
language development
$500 Answer from H5
What are
1) talking,
2) singing, and
3) reading to your child?
Final Jeopardy
Newborns are motivated to learn through the
use of this important parenting technique
Final Jeopardy Answer
What is Positive Reinforcement?