Transcript Genetics

Unit 2
So is it Nature that determines who we are, or
Nature: This side states that we have a range
of abilities, traits, and limitations that are
inherited genetically from the parents at the
time of conception that cannot be changed.
Nurture: This side states that we have a
variety of environmental influences that
impact us, starting at conception!
◦ Examples:
 Mother’s health during pregnancy
 Chemicals encountered in the environment
 Psychological/Sociological experiences
So which is it?
Nature and nurture interact throughout
Nucleic Acids
◦ X
◦ Y
◦ Karyotype Chromosomal Maps
Genotype : What is in the DNA
Phenotype: What is observable as a result of
the genotype
Carrier vs Expressed Genetics
Multifactorial & Polygenic Factors
Dominant Genes
Recessive Genes
Carrier Patterns
Incomplete Dominance
X-Linked Genes
Y-Linked Genes
Twin Studies!
◦ Monozygotic
◦ Dizygotic
Down’s Syndrome aka Trisomy 21
◦ Three copies of Chromosom 21 present
◦ Characteristics:
Thick tongue
Round face
Slanted eyes
Short limbs
Cognitive delays, occasional mental retardation
More prone to dementias and age-related disease
early in life
Phenylketonuria aka PKU
◦ Metabolic disorder leading to inability to digest
◦ 1/5,000 US births
◦ Recessive linked
◦ Dietary treatment available
◦ Can be detected prenatally and through standard
newborn testing
Huntington’s Disease
Dominant linked
Symptoms begin around age 35
Manifests as mental illness and extreme aggression
Typically ends in suicide
Can be screened for in genetic testing
Kleinfelter Syndrome: XXY Chromosomal
◦ Seemingly male appearance with an absence of
secondary sex characteristics typically present at
◦ Learning disabilities, language deficits, and anger
issues are common
Fragile X Syndrome: Part of the X is thinly
attached and prone to breaking
◦ One gene mutation replicates over 200 times
(normal range is 30)
◦ Enlargement of the head and ears are typically
◦ Males may have enlarged scrotum and testicle
◦ May lead normal lives (20%)
◦ Mild retardation (30%)
◦ Severe retardation (47%)
Turner’s Syndrome: XO Genetic mutation,
only one chromosome present
◦ Learning disabilities (particularly
math/science/logical reasoning)
◦ Flat affect and difficulty recognizing emotions
◦ Short stature
◦ Secondary sex characteristics and puberty changes
do not develop
◦ “Webbed” neck sometimes present
3 Periods of Pregnancy
◦ Germinal Stage: ~ Day 1 – day 14
 Lasts from Fertilization to Implantation
◦ Embryonic Stage: ~ Week 3 – Week 8
 Lasts from Implantation through the development of
all major organs
 The placenta is formed during this phase
◦ Fetal Stage: ~ Week 9 to Birth
 Lasts from the completion of all major organs through
the labor and delivery process
Age of Viability: 24 weeks of gestation is the
earliest a fetus may possibly be born with a
chance of survival.
2 Methods of Fetal Development
◦ Cephalo-Caudal development moves Head to Feet
◦ Proximo-Distal development moves from the midline out
to the extremeties
3 Embryonic Tissue Layers
◦ Ectoderm: Outermost layer
 Forms the Skin and Neural Tissue
◦ Mesoderm: Middle layer
 Forms Muscles and Bones
◦ Endoderm: Inner Layer
 Forms Organs
Fetal Membranes:
◦ Chorion
◦ Amnion
Maternal Gestation
◦ Counted from the 1st day of the mother’s last
menstrual period
◦ Gestation lasts 40 weeks
Fetal Gestation
◦ Counted from the date of ovulation/fertilization if
known, or approximate dates based on mother’s
menstrual patterns
◦ Gestation lasts 38 weeks
Teratogen: Any substance that may negatively
impact the development of a developing fetus
◦ Diseases
 Rubella
◦ Medicinal Drugs
Hormonal replacements
Diet pills
Teratogen: Any substance that may negatively
impact the development of a developing fetus
◦ Recreational Drugs
◦ Psychoactive Drugs
◦ Alcohol Use
 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Facial abnormalities, delayed
growth and cognitive development, behavioral and
learning disorders, etc.
Tobacco Use
Low Birth Weight
Maternal Nutrition
Anoxia: Brain damage due to a lack of oxygen
Birth is a positive-feedback mechanism!
◦ The pressure of baby’s head against the cervix
causes the brain to release Oxytocin.
◦ Oxytocin causes the uterus to contract, pushing
baby’s head against the cervix.
◦ The increase in pressure causes additional oxytocin
to be released, which leads to more frequent and
stronger contractions, and the cycle continues until
baby is born.
3 Stages of Labor:
◦ 1st Stage: Dilation of the Cervix to 10 Centemeters
◦ 2nd Stage: Movement of the fetus’s head into the
birth canal
◦ 3rd Stage: Movement of the fetus through the birth
canal and expulsion of the afterbirth
Neonate: Term used to describe babies under
1 month of age
Apgar Scale: A 1-10 scale used at 1 minute of
age and 5 minutes of age to asses…
Heart rate
Muscle tone
Reflex Reactions