Transcript Slide 1

In 2007, archaeologists uncovered a second burial site around 70 metres from first. It contained the burnt
remains of at least two people, and analysis suggested that these were the bodies of a young boy and girl. The
remains were thought to be at least sixty years old, and the presence of silver fillings in some of the teeth
suggested that the individuals had been members of the aristocracy. The remains were compared with those
found in 1991 and with the DNA of Prince Philip </dna/h2g2/A56992738> and other living relatives of the
Romanovs; the resulting data proved conclusively that the bodies were those of Alexei and one of his sisters. All
seven Romanovs had been found – the mystery as to the whereabouts of Anastasia Romanova had finally been
Genes on Chromosomes
- Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance first proposed by Walter Sutton (1902)
- Thomas Hunt Morgan provided clear evidence that the genes determining Mendelian traits do reside
on chromosomes (worked with Drosophilia melanogaster)
- discovered sex-linked traits (trait determined by gene on X-chromosome)
Genes on Chromosomes
(Jacob's Syndrome)