Transcript 600

Lab &
DNA to
What is one?
How many variables can be tested
in one experiment
What is the dependent variable?
The variable that is measured in an
What is enzyme concentration,
substrate concentration,
temperature, and pH? (name any 2)
These are two things that can affect
the rate of reaction where enzymes
are acting as catalysts.
What are amino acids and sugars (glucose)?
These are the building blocks of
proteins and carbohydrates,
What is an experiment must be
repeated with the same data
This must happen before something
can be referred to as a theory.
What are genus & species?
The binomial nomenclature system
Uses these two taxa in naming
What are classes?
A phylum would be further divided
into these groups or taxa.
What is Fungi?
This kingdom has members
with cell walls made of chitin
What is xylem?
This plant tissue functions to move
water and minerals from roots to
What is by cilia and pseudopodia?
How do paramecium and
amoeba move (identify each
in order).
What is the sun?
This is the original source of
all energy in the biosphere
What is decrease?
Biomass does this as levels
go up the pyramid
What are soil, water, and
temperature (non-living)?
List three abiotic factors in an
What is the amount of organisms
in a population that an ecosystem
can support?
Define carrying capacity
What is  ,  , and  X?
Explain the three types of
symbiosis: mutualism,
parasitism, and
What is double helix versus single strand.
This is the difference in shape
between DNA & RNA
What is to carry amino acids
during protein synthesis
This is the role of tRNA
What is AAA-UCU-GGG?
If a sequence of DNA is TTTAGA-CCC, this sequences of
RNA would be made from it
What is to separate DNA
fragments by size using charge?
This is how gel
electrophoresis works.
What is phosphate, sugar, and
nitrogen base?
Name the three parts of a
What are cell wall, chloroplast, and large
central vacuole?
These are three parts present
in plant cells that are not
present in animal cells.
What is water moves in by osmosis
(or the cell swells)?
This is what happens when
you put a cell in a hypotonic
What is metaphase?
This is the phase of mitosis
where chromosomes line up
along the equator of the cell.
What is the vacuole?
Name the part of the cell that is
responsible for storing water and
What is they are 4 haploid, non-identical,
gametes (eggs or sperm)?
Name three characteristics of cells
created by meiosis
What is 1:2:1?
This is the genotype ratio for
the cross Tt x Tt.
What is 50%?
If two parents with AB blood
type have children, this is the
likelihood of them having
children with their same
blood type.
What is intermediate between them
or a “mix” (red + white = pink) ?
If flower color is passed on
by incomplete dominance,
this is how offspring compare
to purebred parents of
different colors
What is two alleles in a gene pair
separate during meiosis?
This is Mendel’s postulate of
What is 100%
If a woman with
colorblindness marries a man
with normal vision, this
percentage of their sons have
a chance to be colorblind.