The Renaissance 1350 * 1700

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Transcript The Renaissance 1350 * 1700

1450 – 1700
A time period of great change in European society
Video Introduction
Wha t Do e s ‘ Renaissance ’ Me a n?
Renaissance – the French word for
“rebirth”. The Renaissance time
period refers to the 350 year
Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
Science – inventors and scientists such as
Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei.
cultural movement of learning,
experimentation, and exploration.
Artists – painters and sculptors such as
Explorers – those who aspired for gold, god,
and glory such as Christopher Columbus.
Kings & Queens – rulers that wanted prestige
for their country such as Queen Elizabeth I of
Te a m Ac t i vi t y – S i l ent Di s cuss i o n
In your composition book, I want you to answer this question: What kind
of cultural movement (change) is the world going through today?
Pass your book to the left. That person is going to make comments on your
paper, by writing down their thoughts.
Pass the book 2 more times and make comments about all things that have
been said so far.
You should have different thoughts about your original comment all over
your paper.
Why Now?
After the Middle Ages:
Italian City-States
Due to the opening of trade routes
City-State – a city that is not under
to Asia along the Silk Road and new
the control of an entire
knowledge brought back from the
country/state. Usually ruled by a rich
Crusades, Europe began to prosper
and powerful family.
as a continent. Cities began to grow
City-states across Italy began growing
and new inventions led to a better
and prospering due to trade and a
way of life.
higher educated class of citizens.
City States of Italy
I t a l y – T h e H o me o f t h e R e n a i s s a n c e
Why Italy?:
Geographic Location – due to it’s location, Italy was a robust trade center in Europe. =
Academics – Italy was home to some of the most prestigious universities in the world. =
Money – Some of the richest families in the world lived in the city-states of Italy and these
families financed some of the greatest works of art. = MONEY!
Humanism or Not?:
Humanism – the belief in the
individual. Belief in the worth and
value of people based on evidence,
rather than faith and past beliefs.
People started celebrating
themselves, not only religious figures
I witness Chris do a fantastic job in
class everyday, therefore, I believe he is a
great student.
People have said for 1,000 years that
the earth is in the middle of the universe,
therefore, it has to be.
The church is righteous and holy,
therefore, they must always be trusted.
Mercantilism – an economic system
in which the government controls
the trade of the country. This
allows for a balance of trade and
for an increase in a nation’s overall
wealth. Exports > Imports = $$
Team Activity:
Take 1 note card out of your team box. Write down
as many products (things) you can think of that the
United States imports (brings in) or exports (sends
out) to/from other countries around the world.
Patrons of the Renaissance:
Patron – a wealthy or influential
The Medici Family – patrons
supporter of an artist or business.
to many of the most famous and
Also known as a ‘sponsor.’ For
successful artists of the
example, you and your family are
Renaissance time period.
patrons of restaurants when you
go out to eat.
Medici Family Video
Renaissance Man:
Renaissance Man – a person who
is skilled in multiple fields and has a
broad range of knowledge. For
example, Leonardo da Vinci was a
painter, sculptor, inventor, architect,
mathematician, and politician.
Leonardo DaVinci – The Original Renaissance Man
Team Activity:
Take 1 note card out of your team box.
Write down as many Renaissance
Men/Women you can think of. They can be
in any part of history.
Summary Video
Watch and listen to the final summary video. The teacher speaks really
quickly, but he does a nice job explaining the causes of the
Renaissance and teaching all of Unit 2…in 12 minutes. Enjoy!
Renaissance Summary Video