7th grade Chapter 20 reviewx

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Chapter 20 Review
Mr. Klein
The Renaissance & Italy
Between 1350 and 1650 people had a renewed interest in learning
and the arts. This renewed interest and the changes it inspired is
known as the Renaissance.
Renaissance is French for “rebirth.”
People had a renewed interest in ancient Greeks and Romans and
many Europeans adopted some Greek and Roman ideas.
People became more secular and interests changed to the world
around them and the use of reason instead of religion.
Italy is the birthplace of the Renaissance.
Italian city states became very wealthy making it possible to hire
artists for their work in painting, sculpting, architecture, etc.
Italy’s population grew and became more urban which
led to the development of a different society.
Strong economies developed around trade and
Italy was a collection of powerful city states.
Italian city states used wealth to build fleets of ships,
hire mercenaries to fight in armies.
Italy’s central location in Europe helped make the citystates trade powers. Their trade with goods from the
east made them wealthy and powerful.
Florence & Venice
Florence was the first major center of the Renaissance. It’s wealth
and location attracting many artists.
Florence made its wealth from making wool cloth and banking.
The banking family, the Medici, were the wealthiest family in
Florence helped rule the city for many years.
Lorenzo de Medici governed Florence from 1469-1492 and used his
wealth to support artists. Came to be known as “the Magnificent.”
Venice was built on the coast and has canals and waterways as
Venice was an important shipbuilding center and trade link between
Europe and Asia.
Politics was complex and Italians developed diplomacy to deal with
their neighboring states.
Europeans developed a new way of understanding the world called
humanism that was based on ancient Greek and Roman ideas.
Humanists want to gain knowledge through reason and gave
importance to the individual and human society.
One famous humanist is Petrarch who traveled around monasteries
to find ancient Roman manuscripts and wrote sonnets.
Humanists also made important contributions to literature and
writing in the vernacular. Dante Alighieri wrote “The Divine Comedy”
and Chaucer wrote “The Canterbury Tales”
A German printer named Johannes Gutenberg developed a printing
press using movable type. The printing press made books available
to many more people.
Ideas developed and spread more quickly then ever before.
Artistic works of the Renaissance tried to show what people really
looked like.
Renaissance used new methods like use of perspective to show people
and objects as they appear from different distances.
Renaissance artists studied the human body and experimented with
the use of light, shade and color. Many painted frescoes.
Leonardo da Vinci was born in Florence. Was a great painter, scientist
and inventor. Famous works include the painting, Mona Lisa, and
fresco of The Last Supper.
Michelangelo began his career as a sculptor in Florence. Famous art
works include the sculpture of David and the paintings on the ceiling of
the Sistine chapel.
Raphael also worked at the Vatican and painted the fresco , the School
of Athens.”
Art from Non-Italians
The “Northern Renaissance” refers to the cultural changes that
took place in northern Europe.
Northern artists began painting in oils which provided richer colors
and allowed changes to be made on the canvas.
Flemish painter Jan van Eyck was skilled using oils. One of his
famous works is The Arnolfini Portrait.
Albrecht Durer was a German artist skilled in showing perspective
and fine detail best known for his engravings.
The people of England were fond of plays and the greatest English
playwright was William Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote all kinds
of plays on all kinds of topics including the great tragedies Hamlet,
Romeo & Juliet and Macbeth.
Many people were dissatisfied with the Catholic church and most
reasons revolved around money. Church officials grew wealthy and
built palaces.
The church also started selling indulgences as a pardon for peoples
Disputes within the church also made it so there could be several
popes at once.
John Wycliffe preached that Christians needed only to recognize
Jesus as head of the church, not the pope and that all religious
truth came from the bible.
Christian humanist Erasmus believed that people should use
reason to be better Christians. He told people to just be good in
their everyday lives. He used humor to criticize Church corruption.
Martin Luther
Luther was a young Catholic monk that was shocked at the
disrespectful priests and the selling of indulgences.
He wrote a list of 95 arguments against indulgences and began to
attack other Catholic beliefs. He argued that the only true guide to
religious truth was the Bible.
Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther and Luther’s ideas eventually
led to the creation of the first Protestant church known as
Lutheranism has three basic ideas: 1. faith in Jesus brings someone
a place in heaven. 2. The Bible is the final source for truth about
God. 3. The church was made up of all ist believers, not just clergy.
Lutheranism became very popular in Northern Europe and was
protected by local German rulers and these areas became Lutheran
Reformation Spreads
John Calvin was an intelligent man that became convinced that
Luther was right but had to flee France to talk about
He believed in predestination which is that God has already
decided who will go to heaven.
He found a home in Switzerland and became influential, because of
Calvinism people began to think that they could elect government
Henry VIII wanted a divorce but when the pope wouldn’t grant it
Henry seized the land of the Catholic church and passed the Act of
Supremacy making himself the head of the Church of England.
Became the Anglican church which accepted some Protestant
beliefs but kept most Catholic rituals.
Catholic Reformation
Catholics were determined to fight Protestantism but knew they
needed to reform their Church.
At the Council of Trent ended the sale of indulgences and bishops
and priests had to follow strict behavior rules. Seminaries were
created to train new priests.
In Spain Jews and Muslims were pressured to convert to
Catholicism or leave the country. To ensure this happened the
Spanish Inquisition began.
Inquisition wanted to root out heresy and used torture to get
confessions. All Jews and Muslims were ordered to leave the
Religious Wars
Differences in religion led to wars between countries.
Under Queen Elizabeth I England became the leading Protestant power in
Europe. When Elizabeth supported the Protestant Dutch rebellion against
Spain King Philip wanted revenge on England.
He sent a huge armada to invade England but better English ships, tactics
and commanders led the English to victory over the armada.
In France Catholics and Protestants called Huguenots fought each other
until King Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes making Catholicism the
religion of France but allowing Huguenots to worship.
Most violent conflict was the 30 years war fought in the Holy Roman
Empire. Protestants from Germany, Denmark and Sweden fought
Catholics from Spain and Holy Roman Empire. German people suffered
great hardships until Peace of Westphalia ended the conflict.
This conflict weakened Spain and the Holy Roman Empire but France
emerged from the war a stronger nation.