Pharmacology Final Tutorial Sesion

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Transcript Pharmacology Final Tutorial Sesion

Summer 2009
Pharmacology concepts
 Pharmacology terminology list-review
 Phases of pharmacology
 Pharmaceutic
 Pharmacokinetic
 Pharmacodynamic
 Chapter 3
 Five rights and drug administration- sites, needle sizes
for IM versus SQ
 Administering an inhaler, ear, and eye medications
Chapter 5
 FDA Pregnancy Categories- Pg. 126
 Scheduled Categories of Controlled Substances-Pg.122
 Drugs of abuse: Chapter 8
 Stimulants: nicotine, cocaine, Amphetamines, caffeine
 Depressants: Alcohol, sedative-hypnotics, barbiturates,
Benzodiazepines, opioids
 Cannabis
 Inhalants
Adrenergic and Adrenergic Blockers
Chapter 17
 Adrenergics-agonists
 Drugs that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system
 Epinephrine, Albuterol, Clonidine, norepinephrine,
dopamine, pseudoephedrine, dexatrim
 Adrenergic blockers-antagonists
 Drugs that block or inhibit a response at the alphaadrenergic receptor site
Alpha-blockers, beta-adrenergic blockers
Beta blockers-decrease the heart rate; decrease the blood
pressure; bronchoconstriction
Atenolol, coreg, labetalol, propranolol(Inderal)
Cholinergic and Anticholinergics
Chapter 18
 Cholinergic-Drugs that stimulate the parasympathetic
nervous system (parasympathomimetics)
Mimic the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach)
Major response stimulate bladder and GI tone, constrict
the pupils of the eyes, increase neuromuscular
Urinary drug disorders-Urecholine
Cholinergic overdose-ANTIDOTE: Atropine
Signs of overdose; salivation, sweating, abdominal cramps
and flushing.
Cholinergic crisis: muscular weakness and increased
 Drugs that inhibit the action of acetylcholine;
cholinergic blocking agents.
 Atropine, Reglan, Miostat, Mytelase
 Common side effects: Dry mouth, decreased
perspiration, blurred vision, tachycardia, constipation,
urinary retention.
CNS stimulants Chapter 19
 Treat: ADHD, narcolepsy,
 Meds: Ritalin, Amphetamines, Adderall
 Major Side effects: insomnia, anorexia, dizziness,
nervousness, tachycardia
 Anorexiants: treat obesity (watch for tolerance, short term
use only)
 Meridia, Adepex
 Analeptics: stimulate respiration
 Caffeine, theophylline
CNS Depressants Chapter 20
 Sedatives/Hypnotics
 Sedatives used mostly during the daytime
 Hypnotics used mostly at night to induce sleep
 Meds used: barbiturates,
 Benzodiazepines-Restoril, Halcion, xanax, Prosom
 Non Benzodiazepine: Lunesta, zolpidem (Ambien);
Treat insomnia-short term use only.
Anticonvulsants Chapter 21
 Uses: seizure disorders
 Chart pg 324
 Meds: hydantoins(Dilantin)
 Serum level 10-20
 Symptoms of Toxicity: Nystagmus, ataxia
 Major side effects: gingival hyperplasia
 One anticonvulsant (Neurotin) used for diabetic
neuropathy (nerve pain)
Alzheimer and Parkinsonism
Chapter 22
 Drugs used to treat these disorders:
 What to teach the family and client?
Neuromuscular Disorders Chapter 23
 Muscle relaxants
 Myasthenia Gravis
 Muscle Spasms
 Extrapyramidal Symptoms
Antinflamatory Drugs Chapter 24
 Uses:
 Medications: NSAIDS, Gout medications, DMARDS-
Enbrel, Remicade
 Salicylates- Aspirin
 Ibuprofin
 Client Teaching:
Nonopioid and Opioid Analgesics
Chapter 25
 Pain management
 Acetaminophen Antidote: Mucomyst
 Morphine, Demerol, hydromorphone
 PCA-patient controlled analgesic
 Monitor your client for…
Psychiatric Agents Chapter26
 AntiPsychotics
 Sedatives –given during the day
 Hypnotics-given at night
 Monitor client for????
 Teach your client????
Antidepressants and Mood
stabilizers: Chapter 27
 Categories of Antidepressants:
 Mood stabilizers: Lithium: Serum level:
Anti Infectives: Chapter 28-33
 Penicillin
 Cephlasporins
 Macrolides
 Tetracyclines
 Aminoglycosides
 Fluoroquinolones
 Vancomycin
 Sulfonamides
 Antitubicular
 Antifugals
Respiratory Drugs Chapter 39,40
 Bronchodilators
 Albuterol
Steroid Therapy
Using an inhaler
Over the Counter medication
Cardiac medications: Chapter 41
 Digoxin: Cardioglycosides
 Serum levels
 Antidote
 Signs of toxicity
 What is used for:
 Antianginals: Nitroglycerin, calcium channel blockers,
beta blockers
Used for:
How to administer
Side effects
Teach your client about???
Cardiac continued:
 Antidysrhythmic Drugs
 Used for:
 Meds: amiodorone, lidocaine, cardizem, verapamil
Diuretics: Chapter 42:
Potassium sparing
Loop diuretics
Teach your client
Fluid and electrolyte levels to monitor
Monitor for effectiveness how???
 Always check blood pressure before administering
 Which drug class are you giving?
 What are the specific side effects to those classes?
 (Beta blockers,etc)
Anticoagulants… Chapter 44
 Anticoagulants
 Antiplatelets
 Thrombolytics
 Antidotes, serum labs to be monitored, side effects
 What to teach your client
GI drugs Chapter 46
 Antiemetics
 Phenergan
 Ipecac Pg. 710
 Antidiarrheals
 Opiates and opiate related agents
 Laxative
 Metamucil-bulk forming agent
Anti Ulcer Drugs Chapter 47
 Antacids
 Anticholinergics
 Histamine2 blockers
 Proton Pump Inhibitors
 Pepsin Inhibitor
Chapter 48,49 Ears, eyes, skin
 eye drops that constrict: Miotic
 Eye drops that dilate: Mydriatic
 Accutane-precautions, used for…
Endocrine Drugs Chapter 50,51
 Thyroid medications: Synthroid
 Antidiabetic medications:
 Insulin: peaks, onset, duration
 Metformin(Glucophage)
Antineoplastics Chapter 36
 Chemotherapy agents
 Nursing Education:
What to know when handling or administering these
 Client Education:
 Side effects/adverse reactions
 Safe handling and administration
 Disposal of body fluids and waste