Imperialists Divid Africa

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Imperialists Divide Africa
Chapter 27 Section 1
Daily Objective & Do Now
Daily Objective:
analyze reasons for imperialism & its continuing effects
on African nations today.
Do Now:
What are some reasons why larger nations take over or
exert power over smaller nations?
I Africa Before Imperialism
• Before imperialism of Africa African
ppl were divided into hundreds of
ethnic & linguistic groups (over 1,000
diff lang.)
• Some kept traditional beliefs others
converted to Christianity or Islam
• Af. Empires and armies able to fend of
European armies for over 400 yrs
• Set up and controlled trade networks
• Wasn’t until the intro of riverboats
could Europeans navigate and explore
further into mainland Af.
II Nations Compete for Overseas Empires
A. The Congo Sparks Interests
• Stanley goes to Africa and signed treaties
w/ local chiefs of Congo River Valley giving
king of Belgium personal control of lands
• Claimed goal was to stop slave trade
but he forced native people to labor
• Forced labor to collect sap from rubber
• Conditions so severe the global com.
SignedBelgium gov’t takes over
• France also makes treaty giving them
northern Congo
• Other European countries claim parts
of Africa
B. Motives Driving Imperialism
• Econ, Pol., & social forces taking over
lands all parts of world
• Imperialism= takeover of country or terr.
By a stronger nation w/ intent on
dominating pol, econ, & social of the ppl
in that nation
• Industrial Revimperialism for raw
• Nationalism alsoimperialism because
of need to show power
• Tech advancement of Euros more other
ppl their belief of superiority
• Racism= idea that one race is superior to
• Social Darwinism based idea of Charles
Darwin's ‘survival of the fittest” applied
to society
• Those most fit for survival enjoyed wealth
U& success & were considered superior to
• Non Europeans considered lower scale
culturally and physically because they did
not have equal tech
• Europeans believed it was their right
and duty to bring their progress to
• Push for expansion also from missionaries
looking to convert ppl in order to “civilize”
and “westernize”
C. Forces Enabling Imperialism
• Maxim gun invented
• World first automatic weapon
• European countries acquire the
weapon while African nations had
outdated weapons
• Steam engine also allowed
Europeans estab bases on
control deep into Africa
• All these made control over
African easier
• Europeans highly susceptible to malaria
• Regular doses of a new drug, quinine, protected against malaria
• Diff among ethnic groupswars that caused disunityeuroperans
playing rival groups against each other
III African Lands became European Colonies
A. Berlin Conference Divides Africa
• Comp for control of landsfears among
Europe nation that war would break out
• Berlin conference (1844-5) laid down
the rules for the division of Africa to
prevent war
• Any nation could claim land by
notifying other nations of their claims
and showing they could control that
• divided continent w/ no thought to how
ethnic or lang. groups were dist.
B. Demand for Product Shapes Colonies
• As Europeans colonized they
believed conquered Africans would
buy Euro goods in mass quantizes
• Did not happen but euro co.s needed
raw materialsdev. Of cash crop
plantationsdisplacement of food
crops used to feed farmers & fams
• Largest resources on continent was
mineral resources (copper & tin)
which was small compared to gold
& diamonds in S Af.
IV Three Groups Clash over South Africa
• History of South Africa is history of Africans,
Dutch, & British clashing over land & resources
• Locals wars shook S Af.Zulu chief Shaka
creating large centralized state
• Successors could not keep controlZulu
land to GB
• Dutch settlers AKA Boers set up station for
their ship on Cape of Good Hope
• Gradually take over African's land and est.
large farms
• Boars and British clash over GB policy
regarding land and slavery
• Great Trek= Boers moving north to escape British
fighting w/ other African groups
• Discover of diamonds and gold in southern Africa
outsiders coming into country
• Boars take up arms against the BritishBoaer Wars
• First modern total war
• Boars used guerilla tactics while British burn down boer
farms & prisoners in concentration camps
• GB wins Boer Wars  unification of lands creating
Union of South Africa controlled by GB