Tobacco Effects -

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Transcript Tobacco Effects -

Teens and Tobacco
• Most people who begin to smoke do so when
they are in their teens
• FACT: 8 out of 10 people who try tobacco will
become addicted to it!
• Tobacco contains over 4,000 chemicals
• Of those, about 40-60 are known carcinogens
• A carcinogen is any agent that is known to
cause cancer
What are some of the
harmful in chemicals
in tobacco?
Carbon Monoxide- a
colorless, odorless gas in
tobacco that hops on to
red blood cells and takes
up space meant for
oxygen; thus it prevents
the body from getting
all the oxygen it needs!
Tar is a dark, sticky
liquid that forms when
tobacco burns. It coats
the airway tubes and
air sacs (alveoli) inside
the lungs
Nicotine is the
ADDICTIVE chemical in
tobacco-this is what
gets a smoker hooked. It
is a stimulant drug, so it
speeds the heart beat
and raises blood
pressure. It also
constricts blood vessels
(puts a person at risk for
strokes and heart
attacks), and causes
dizziness, and upset
A poisonous,
liquid alcohol
that is known
to cause
A deadly poison
Used in mining for
gold and silver, plus
other uses, one being
to kill ants or rats- yes,
this, too, is found in
An irritating, acidic gas used in
the laboratory as a disinfectant
and preservative. Dead animals
used in dissections can be
preserved with this chemical- and
let me tell you, it STINKS! And
yes, it is in tobacco……
Tobacco comes in several forms. It can be smoked,
inhaled, or chewed. All are harmful..
• Cigarettes- made from shredded tobacco
• Filters in cigarettes do not decrease the
amount of many of the harmful chemicals that
pass through smoker’s lungs
• Some cigarettes come flavored and smell
sweet- these cigarettes have even more
nicotine and, tar, and carbon monoxide than
regular cigarettes
Cigars and Pipes
• Shredded tobacco leaves are also used in
cigars and pipes
• Cigar smoke contains 25 times more carbon
monoxide and up to 400 times more nicotine
than cigarettes
• People who smoke cigars and pipes are more
likely to develop cancers of the lip, mouth,
and tongue than nonsmokers are
Chewing tobacco and snuff are
placed in the mouth, rather than
smoked. Snuff may also be inhaled.
The nicotine in smokeless tobacco
is JUST as harmful and addictive as
that in cigarettes.
Users of smokeless tobacco are
more at risk for cancer of the
mouth, esophagus, larynx, and
Tobacco Harms the Body in so MANY
• It affects the Respiratory System
• It damages the alveoli (the tiny air sacs) where
oxygen enters body and carbon dioxide leaves
the body
• The damage can lead to EMPHYSEMA, a
destructive lung disease that destroys alveoli
• It can lead to lung cancer
Alveoli damaged by emphysema do not function well. The person with
emphysema suffers. Breathing becomes painful, and more difficult as
the disease progresses. There is NO cure for emphysema. You may or
may not get this as a smoker, but do you have a crystal ball to know?
Other Effects:
• All forms of tobacco increase the risk of cavities,
gum disease and dulls taste buds
• Can cause stomach ulcers
• Linked to cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus,
larynx, pancreas, and stomach
• Tobacco reduces the flow of oxygen to the brain,
which can result in a stroke
• Can cause bladder cancer
• And of course, tobacco is linked to
Teens and Tobacco Addiction
• Nicotine is what gets a person HOOKED on
• Nicotine is as addictive as alcohol, cocaine,
and yes, heroin!
• Nicotine addiction leads to more diseases and
deaths than all other addictions combined!
A physical or
need for a
drug or other
A person who is addicted to
nicotine finds it VERY difficult to
stop using tobacco.
Reducing or cutting off the supply
of nicotine causes withdrawal.
Withdrawal is the unpleasant
symptoms that someone
experiences when he or she
stops using a drug
People going through
withdrawal feel
anxious, irritable,
hungry, depressed, and
An addiction in
which a person’s
body feels a
chemical NEED for
a drug
An addiction in which a
person believes he or
she needs a drug in
order to feel good or
function normally
Psychological Dependence
• The user feels that the tobacco habit is a
necessary part of their daily routine.
• They associate tobacco use with
pleasurable activities. Until they find
habits to replace their use for tobacco,
users might find it hard to quit.
Tobacco users become both psychologically and
physically dependent on tobacco habit
-physically- users crave tobacco when their bodies
are low on nicotine- this craving is very strong
-They do not feel comfortable until they have
another dose of the drug
-When they get the drug they do not feel good for
long, they soon feel the need to use tobacco
• The body’s need for larger and larger doses of
a drug to produce the same effect
• So someone might smoke a half pack a day
and be fine, but after a while the person will
need to smoke more to feel the same effects
of the nicotine
• This means the person has developed a
tolerance for the drug
• Second hand smoke is
environmental smoke, air
that has been
contaminated by tobacco
• Exposure to second hand
smoke causes people to
become passive smokers
• Passive smokers are
nonsmokers who breathe
second hand smoke
• Passive smoking irritates
the eyes, nose and throat
Passive Smokers
• Research shows that long-term exposure to
secondhand smoke puts a person at risk for
the same illnesses that affect smokers,
including heart disease and, lung diseases,
and respiratory problems
• Many people die each year in the U.S. as a
result of passive smoking
Smoke in the Air Can be from
mainstream or sidestream smoke
• Mainstream smoke is the smoke that a
smoker inhales and then exhales
• Sidestream smoke is the smoke that comes
from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, and
-Sidestream smoke contains twice as much tar
and nicotine as mainstream smoke because
this smoke enters the air directly from the
burning tobacco
• A woman who uses tobacco during
Children Whose pregnancy seriously endangers the
Parents Smoke
health of her unborn child
• This increases the chance of: low
birth weight babies, miscarriages,
and still birth
• Babies whose mother’s smoke
during and after pregnancy are
THREE times more likely to die of
SIDS, which stands for Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome.
• Children of smokers are more
likely to experience allergies,
asthma, chronic bronchitis, ear
infections, and heart problems
Bad Breath