Transcript Document

University of Cincinnati
Intellectual Property Office
UC Firsts
First oral polio vaccine – Albert Sabin
 First antihistamine, Benadryl –
George Rieveschl
 First safe anti-knock gasoline
 First electric organ – Winston Koch
 First use of a YAG laser to remove
brain tumor
Mission of Intellectual Property Office
Main Mission - Technology Transfer
Assess new invention disclosures
Develop strategies for protecting University’s
Transfer University’s IP to industry for the
public good and commercial gain (increase
society’s wealth locally and nationally)
Promote entrepreneurship through faculty
counseling and referral
Provide University presence within industrial
and investment communities
Technology Transfer Process
Process begins with the submission
of an invention disclosure
 Evaluation involves the investigation
of many complex patent/legal,
ownership and business related
Esp pre-existing obligations to sponsor
Ongoing Administrative Obligations
Bayh-Dole Compliance
– Election of Title
– Patent Filing Decisions
– Invention Utilization
Licensee Diligence
Progress reports
– Milestone, royalty payments
Skills Set
Complexity of University Technology Transfer
demands sophisticated knowledge of many
different fields
patent law
licensing & contract law
federal, state, and university polices & laws related to IP
in-depth understanding of market trends
capacity to understand new technical developments
We’re fortunate in our office to have a team with a
highly complimentary skills set (PhD, JD, MBA)
Intellectual Property Staff
About Our Office
Approx 75 active licenses
164 active patents
$6.5 million in license revenue in FY02
Over 50% of US patents issued to us in
the last 5 years have been licensed or
optioned to industry
Top 1/3 of Technology Transfer Offices
nationwide, top office in tri-state
Invention Disclosures and Patents
Issued US Patents
FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02
Licensing Income
License Income
(million $)
FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02
UC IP Helping to Advance Local Firms
Small Firms
KY Pharmaceutical firm
Local Medical Device firm
Considering license to slow-release diuretic technology
and sponsoring research to develop the product. Also
considering re-locating R&D from KY to Bio/Start
Considering license to early stroke diagnostic technology
and also sponsoring research at UC to develop the
medical device
Local Biosensor firm
Interested in acquiring a license to our biosensor
technology and partnering with us on development
environment monitoring equipment
UC Helping Cont’d
Large Firms
P&G Pharmaceuticals
 Collaborative
 Oil
research in area of obesity
drilling technology
 Aerospace
Example Recent License Agreement
Inventors - Drs. Joseph Clark (UC) and Ton
Degrauw (Children’s Hospital) and Rima Daouk
Licensee - Avicena (Biotech in Cambridge, MA)
Invention - Discovered that a mutations in gene
that encodes creatine transport protein located on
X chromosome (afflicts males) can cause mental
Currently working on a cure
License complemented with sponsored research
agreement designed to determine prevalence of
this defect and to identify therapeutics
Examples of Faculty Start-ups
Extreme Photonics (solid-state display)
Apologic (develops drugs for Apo-E related
diseases, e.g., Alzheimer’s)
CardioEnergetics (mechanical devices for treating
heart failure)
Cutanogen (skin substitutes)
Allergenics (oral vaccines)
Phase 2 Discovery (develops drugs for treating
psychiatric and neurologic disorders)
Intracellular (cellular imaging instruments)
Extreme Photonics
"Extreme" Engineering Innovation
Launches High-tech Firm
An idea born in the labs of Ohio
Eminent Scholar Andrew Steckl led
to the birth of Cincinnati's newest
high-tech company -- Extreme
The company was started by Steckl,
Gieringer Professor of Solid State
Microelectronics in the electrical and
computer engineering and computer
science department. Research
Corporation Technologies (RCT) of
Tuscon, Ariz., recently announced it
would support the company's
research and development so
prototype products can be made.
Examples of Licensing Opportunities
Blood test that can diagnosis any neurological disease
(stroke, epilepsy, possibly even Alzheimer’s)
Medical Device
Genetic test for asthma and congestive heart patients to
help physician to determine best drug
Ultrasonic “clot busting” device for treating stroke
Patented Cystic Fibrosis drug
Ultrasound Enhances tPA Thrombolysis
Richard Kordal, Ph.D., Director, IPO
University of Cincinnati
Mail Location 0829
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0829
Ph: (513) 556-4724
Fax: (513) 558-2296
Email: [email protected]