Transcript Chapter 26

Chapter 22
Illegal Drugs
Lesson 1 – Drug Use A High Risk
Substance Abuse – unnecessary
use of chemical substances for non
medical purposes
Illegal drugs – street drugs
– Against the law to possess, sell, buy
Synthetic drugs – chemical
substances produced artificially in
a lab (very deadly)
Gateway drugs – drugs that lead to
other drug use
Trends in Teen Use
Starting younger than ever before
Use among 12 – 17 year olds has
11% of Americans 12 and up were users
in 1998
Heroin use has become widespread
9% of teens used marijuana in 1998
Teens mistakenly consider marijuana as
a safe drug
Why People Begin Using
See others using
Feel pressured/can’t say no
To fit in or look older
Drugs are glamorized on TV,
movies, videos, and in song lyrics
Boredom or new thrills
Escape from problems
Dangers of Abuse
Deadly side effects
Synergistic effects when combining
No way to regulate illegal drugs
Hepatitis or HIV when using
Unprotected sex/STD’s
Tolerance – need more to feel the
Physiological Dependence – body has
a chemical need
Withdrawal – nervousness, insomnia,
nausea, headaches, chills, vomiting,
Psychological dependence –thinking
they need the drug
Addiction – dependence
(psychological and physiological)
Costs of Abuse
Affects teens performance, health,
and can lead to trouble with the
Costs the American society 67
billion dollars per year in health,
social, and criminal costs
Birth defects, addiction,
withdrawal symptoms
Lesson 2 – Psychoactive Drugs
Stimulants – speed up the central
nervous system
– Increased heart rate, high blood
pressure, decreased appetite
– Sweating, headaches, blurred vision,
– Psychological effects – moodiness,
restlessness, anxiety, hallucinations,
delusions, and paranoia
Types of Stimulants
Amphetamines (Uppers)
– People use to stay awake, improve
athletic performance, lose weight,
and for euphoric effects
– Tolerance develops easily
– Exhaustion occurs when drug wears
Types of Stimulants
Methamphetamine (crank, speed,
– Can be snorted, injected, smoked,
or swallowed
– Paranoia and violence
– Long lasting effects (food and water
Types of Stimulants
– Fast acting
– High can last 20 minutes to a few
– Increases confidence and causes
huge letdown after the high
– Can cause tissue damage in nose, ,
depression, edginess, weight loss,
malnutrition, heart attack
Types of Stimulants
– Form of cocaine that is smoked
– Effects are felt within seconds
– Extremely addictive and dangerous
Slow down central nervous system
Relax muscles, relieve feelings of
tension and worry, bring on sleep
Slow heart and breathing rates and
reduce blood pressure
Types of Depressants
Barbiturates – induce sleep
– Cause mood changes, excess sleep,
– Used to counteract effects of
– Can be fatal when combined with
Types of Depressants
Tranquilizers – muscle relaxers
– Reduce muscular activity,
coordination, and attention span
Methaqualone – prescribed to
reduce anxiety and insomnia
– Temporary euphoria
– Withdrawal is extremely unpleasant
– Rapid dependence, headaches,
diarrhea, convulsions, coma, death
Drugs derived from the opium
– Morphine, heroin, opium, codeine
– Cause drowsiness, sleep that can
depress respiration, and can be
used to relieve pain
Types of Narcotics
– Used to reduce severe pain
– Can act as an appetite suppressant,
causes constipation, and severe
Codeine – weaker morphine
– Used in cough medicine and can
lead to dependence
Types of Narcotics
– No medical purpose/illegal
– Made from morphine
– Depresses central nervous system
– Tolerance develops quickly and
withdrawal is painful
– Use has moved from the inner city
to suburbs and rural areas
Alter moods, thoughts, and sense
PCP, LSD, Mescaline
Types of Hallucinogens
PCP – angel dust
– 1 of the most dangerous drugs
– Makes the user feel detached from
their surroundings
– Times passes slowly, body
movements slow down, sensations
of touch and pain are reduced
– Makes the user feel strong and
Types of Narcotics
LSD – acid
– Colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid,
capsule, or tablet
– Wildly unpredictable effects
– Users might possibly think they can
fly or stop trains
– Use leads to panic, anxiety,
accidental suicide
Types of Hallucinogens
– Psychoactive ingredient in the
peyote cactus
– Can lead to bad trips, frightening
phenomena, vicious stomach
cramps, and vomiting
Lesson 3 – Steroids and Other
Dangerous Drugs
Steroids – synthetic derivatives of
the male hormone testosterone
– Build muscle
– Cause mood swings, violent, and
aggressive behavior
– Effects – high blood pressure, acne,
baldness, liver damage, heart
disease, increased growth of body
and facial hair, stroke
Cannabis Derivatives
Cannabis –hemp plant
– Types – Marijuana and hashish
Marijuana – smoked, eaten, or
Hashish – dark brown resin
collected from the top of the
cannabis plant. Sold in small
brown chunks and smoked
through a pipe
Effects of Cannabis
Hallucinogen that has stimulant
and depressant effects
Alters senses, coordination, and
reaction time
Causes personality problems that
includes loss of willpower and
motivation, lack of energy, and
Affects memory and attention
Substances sniffed or inhaled to
give hallucinogenic or mind
altering highs
Glue, spray paint, aerosols, lighter
fluids, and gasoline
Depress central nervous system
Nausea, nosebleeds, lack of
coordination, kidney damage,
change in bone marrow, hearing
loss, limb damage, coma, death
Designer Drugs
Synthetic substances that give
effects of hallucinogens and
Ecstasy or MDMA – combination
of a stimulant and hallucinogen
– Euphoria, confusion, depression,
paranoia, psychosis
– Symptoms of use- uncontrollable
tremors, drooling, impaired speech,
paralysis, irreversible brain damage
Look – Alike Drugs
Made to resemble illegal drugs
User never knows what they are
Each dose has the potential to be