Transcript Steroids

Anabolic Steroids
There should not be a controversy over anabolic steroid use in athletics -- non-medical use of
anabolic steroids is illegal and banned by most, if not all, major sports organizations. Still, some
athletes persist in taking them, believing that these substances provide a competitive advantage.
But beyond the issues of popularity or legality is the fact that anabolic steroids can cause serious
physical and psychological side effects.
What are anabolic steroids?
Anabolic steroids -- or more precisely, anabolic-androgenic steroids -- are the synthetic derivatives of
the naturally occurring male anabolic hormone testosterone. Both anabolic and androgenic have
origins from the Greek: anabolic, meaning "to build," and androgenic, meaning "masculinizing."
Testosterone's natural androgenic effects trigger the maturing of the male reproductive system in
puberty, including the growth of body hair and the deepening of the voice. The hormone's anabolic
effect helps the body retain dietary protein, which aids in the development of muscles. "Although
there are many types of steroids with varying degrees of anabolic and androgenic properties, it's the
anabolic property of steroids that lures athletes," says Dr. Wadler. "They take them to primarily
increase muscle mass and strength."
Who takes anabolic steroids and why?
It is not only the football player or weightlifter or sprinter who may be using anabolic steroids. Nor is
it only men. White- and blue-collar workers, females and, most alarmingly, adolescents take steroids
-- all linked by the desire to hopefully look, perform and feel better, regardless of the dangers.
Anabolic steroids are designed to mimic the bodybuilding traits of testosterone. Most healthy males
produce less than 10 milligrams of testosterone a day. Females also produce testosterone but in
minute amounts. Some athletes however, may use up to hundreds of milligrams a day, far exceeding
the normally prescribed daily dose for legitimate medical purposes. Anabolic steroids do not
improve agility, skill or cardiovascular capacity.
What are the health hazards of anabolic steroids?
"There can be a whole panoply of side effects, even with prescribed doses," says Dr. Wadler. "Some
are visible to the naked eye and some are internal. Some are physical, others are psychological. With
unsupervised steroid use, wanton 'megadosing' or stacking (using a combination of different
steroids), the effects can be irreversible or undetected until it's too late." Also, if anabolic steroids
are injected, transmitting or contracting HIV and Hepatitis B through shared needle use is a very real
Additionally, Dr. Wadler stresses that "unlike almost all other drugs, all steroid based hormones have
one unique characteristic -- their dangers may not be manifest for months, years and even decades.
Therefore, long after you gave them up you may develop side effects."
Deca Durabolin
This is the most popular anabolic steroid. It is mildly androgenic and moderately
anabolic. Few serious side effects if only used short term. It comes in_ pre-loaded
ampules for injection.
Dianabol is a very potent oral steroid. It causes huge gains in strength and size, but it is
very damaging to the liver. It causes water retention, acne, and a host of other side
Winstrol V
This is actually a veterinary drug. It is not very androgenic. It does not aromatize into
estrogen, but it does not cause the same type of gains you would see from stronger
This steroid is a composite of four different synthetic testosterones. It causes dramatic
gains in muscle size and strength but also causes severe side effects. One preloaded
ampule per week is the typical dosage.
Primobolean Depot
This steroid is not as severe as other steroids. It causes mild gains and mild side effects.
Injectable and oral forms exist.
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 is one of the most potent drugs ever conceived for muscle
growth. However, it is very expensive: 175 dollars for 25 micrograms. This is usually not
sold on the black market.
Human Growth Hormone
In addition to spurring the growth of new muscle cells, growth hormone appears to
enhance fat burning. It is most effective when combined with some kind of anabolic
steroid to spur growth in the new muscle cells. Growth hormone is not without risk and it
is very expensive. Years of growth hormone abuse can result in bone cancer.
Waters refer to short-acting injectable steroids. These steroids are injected directly into
muscle tissue but their effects do not last for a very long time.
Oils also refer to a type of steroid, but these steroids last longer once injected into the
body. Once injected into muscle tissue, oils release the steroids slowly over time. One
injection can last up to 17 days.
Steroids Side Effects (Physical)
The side effects described below can happen to anyone who uses
steroids—not just people who abuse steroids for prolonged periods of
time. Remember: these side effects can develop just as quickly as your
muscles develop!
Aching joints
Decreased glucose tolerance
High blood pressure
Increased risk of heart disease
Impaired thyroid function
Inability to release body heat through sweating
Increased chance of injury to tendons, ligaments, and muscles
Increases in body weight and muscular strength
Jaundice: eyes and skin turn yellow due to body's inability to properly
excrete waste
Liver cancer
Liver tumors, both benign and malignant
Longer recovery time for injuries
Persistent bad breath
Reduction in HDL, the "good" cholesterol
Risk of infection of HIV through sharing of needles to inject steroids
Severe acne
Swelling of feet and ankles
Unusual distribution of hair growth
Water retention in tissues
Steroids Side Effects (Emotional)
The side effects described below can happen to anyone who uses steroids—not just people who
abuse steroids for prolonged periods of time. Remember: these side effects can develop just as
quickly as your muscles develop! In many cases, the mental side effects of steroids continue even
after the drug is no longer used.
Auditory hallucinations
Bouts of depression when use of the drug is ended
Combative behavior
Drug dependency and psychological addiction
Extreme irritability and anxiety
Hyperactivity: the state of being excessively active
Hypertension: abnormally high blood pressure
Impaired judgment from feelings of invincibility
Manic episodes
Paranoid jealousy
Preoccupation and craving for the drug after a period of long-term use
Roid rages: violent outbursts with no provocation
Suicidal thoughts
Uncontrollable aggression
Wide mood swing
Steroids Side Effects (By Gender)
The side effects described below can happen to anyone who uses steroids—not just people who abuse
steroids for prolonged periods of time. Remember: these side effects can develop just as quickly as your
muscles develop!
Male body converts anabolic steroids into
female hormones, estrogen.
As part of the masculinization of steroids,
females lose breast tissue.
Partial baldness may occur.
Changes in menstrual cycle occur.
There is difficulty or pain when urinating.
Voice becomes deeper, more masculine.
Prostate grows enlarged.
Clitoris grows enlarged.
Female- like breast begin to grow.
Exaggerated male-like muscle growth.
Impotence may develop.
Fetal damage is possible in pregnant women.
Erections become painful and irregular.
Women experience a growth of facial hair and
body hair.
Production of live sperm is reduced or
Sex drive increased.
Testicles decreased in size.
Male pattern baldness.
Oily skin and acne develop.
Adolescents using steroids face other risks in addiction to those listed above:
→ Sexual development can be disturbed by steroids because the body is “tricked” into
believing that all the necessary changed that accompany puberty have already taken
→ Growth may be stunted because a premature closing of the long bones that are
developed in teens’ arms and legs