High - Level Post Paris Dialogue

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High-level Post-Paris Dialogue
V.K. Duggal
Senior Climate Change Specialist
Asian Development Bank
Climate Change Challenges
Paris Agreement - Relevance to the Regional Development Agenda
 The Asian economy as a whole is growing at a solid pace of 6% annually. It
will expand from a third of world GDP today to about one half by 2050
 Robust economic growth has led to significant rise in GHG emissions in the Asia
and Pacific region, with Asia’s share of global GHG emissions projected to
increase from 42.8% in 2010 to 51.2% by 2035
 The region is also highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,
presenting new challenges for development efforts
 Asia and the Pacific region is home to 4 billion people and one of the most
vulnerable regions in the world to climate change
 The region is home to 5 of the top 10 GHG emitters - China, India, Japan,
South Korea and Indonesia
Implementation of Paris Agreement
 Focus on implementation
o The Paris Agreement is largely anchored on the implementation of Nationally
Contributions (NDCs) between 2020 and 2030
o Most vulnerable countries will need to focus on adaptation
 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
o Signify the willingness of countries to take action to reduce their emissions, in the context of their
national circumstances
o Starting point for bigger ambitions, enhancing targets to achieve at least the 2 degrees goal
 Clear ambitions from Asia and the Pacific
Absolute emission reductions from business-as-usual levels
Reduce emission intensity of growth
Increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix
Improve forest cover
Challenges for the successful implementation
 Developing an effective policy framework: NDCs are high level policy plans
and translation of commitments at country level is critical
 Need capacity to assess different policy options and develop appropriate policy
 Deployment of advanced and cleaner technologies: Without the use of
frontier technologies, the targets set at COP21 will not be achieved
 Countries need to invest more in advanced and cleaner technologies such as energy
storage, smart-grid technologies, carbon capture and storage etc.
 Cost and financing of low carbon technologies: Costs of cleaner
technologies still offer a barrier – adding costs and risks to projects
 Innovative financing solutions are needed
Opportunities for ADB
 Scale up climate finance
 ADB has announced its target to double climate financing to $6 billion per year
by 2020
 Support Policies, institutional and regulatory frameworks
 ADB supports governments in strengthening both policies and institutional and
regulatory frameworks, developing clear strategies to achieve their NDCs
through technical assistance
 Deployment of innovative and advanced technologies
 ADB supports innovative and advanced technologies for clean energy
development in its member countries
ADB’s Climate Finance Target
Sum Up
Asia and the Pacific is critically important for global climate mitigation efforts
International and regional cooperation is very important
Deploying clean technologies should be an integral part of the growth
strategy for Asian countries
Financing for climate change action is essential in order to implement
commitments under the Paris Agreement
Thank you
V.K. Duggal
Senior Climate Change Specialist
Fund Manager - Future Carbon Fund
Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department
Asian Development Bank
Tel (632) 632-5937 [email protected]