- Asian EXIM Bank Forum

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Transcript - Asian EXIM Bank Forum

ADB’s View on Development Agenda
for Sustained Growth in Asia
Rune Stroem
Head, Office of Cofinancing Operations
20th Annual Meeting of the Asian Exim Banks Forum
17-19 November 2014
Jodhpur, India
Presentation Outline
• The "Asian Century"
• ADB's Midterm Review (MTR) of Strategy 2020
• An Eight-Point Development Agenda for
Sustained Growth in Asia
• ADB’s partnership with the Asian Exim Banks
The "Asian Century"
• Asia and Pacific region made great strides in reducing
income poverty
• Region could see an end to extreme poverty within the next
• Challenges ahead – job loss and other economic shocks
– inequalities within and between countries in the region
– very large infrastructure gaps that limit access to jobs, health
care, education, and other critical services
– climate change threatens the region’s security and development
ADB's Midterm Review (MTR) of
Strategy 2020
• persistent poverty in a large part of Asia
• adapt ADB operations to new realities - rising inequality, climate
change, and issues facing middle-income countries
• results of the review reflect on ADB performance in the last five
years, identify remaining and emerging challenges in the
region, and recommend ways in which ADB can improve its
service to clients
• task is to help ADB developing member countries eradicate
remaining poverty, and to address inequalities so that the
development process becomes more inclusive
An Eight-Point Development Agenda
for Sustained Growth in Asia
1. security and political stability
2. macroeconomic stability
3. infrastructure investment
4. investment in human capital - education and health
5. open trade and investment regimes
6. good governance
7. society must be inclusive to provide people with incentives to
participate in economic and social development
8. government must have a credible vision for a brighter future
and set a strategy to achieve it
ADB’s partnership with the
Asian Exim Banks Forum (AEBF)
• RETA-CDTA 7651: Supporting the Asian Exim Banks Forum
in Dialogues on Regional Economic Integration and
• over last 4 years ADB supported 12 AEBF training programs:
– Australia: 1 (commodity financing)
– India: 3 (risk management, overseas investment finance, capital
– Indonesia: 1 (SME financing)
– Japan: 1 (credit ratings)
– Malaysia: 1 (Basel III)
– Philippines: 4 including 2 hosted by ADB (trade finance, public
sector financing, project financing, syndications)
– PRC: 1 (ship finance)