Coaches Survey
Transcript Coaches Survey
Coaches Survey: Mining the Data
PA High School Coaching Initiative
May 8, 2006
Points of Analysis
Coaches’ activities
School climate and the principal’s role
School climate and coaches’ activities
Previous positions and coaches’ activities
Life of a Coach
A large majority of coaches report daily or weekly
involvement in the following activities:
Providing a listening ear for teachers’ concerns
Locating and creating classroom resources
Planning lessons with teachers
Communicating PLN pedagogy to staff not enrolled in the
40—60% of Coaches report never engaging in the
following activities:
Facilitating inter-class visitations
Leading study groups
Training teachers how to analyze student data
Write-in Activities
Coaches named these additional
activities most frequently:
Supporting teachers with curriculum and
Developing and administering
Providing and attending PD sessions
Role of the Principal
Coaches consistently assessed their school’s
professional climate more positively when they
saw the principal as a useful resource.
They were especially likely to say:
The staff is encouraged to listen to new ideas
Teachers are supported to excel in their
The school has a clear focus on how to improve
student achievement
School Climate and Coaches’ Activities
73% of coaches report that at their school “staff is
encouraged to listen to new ideas.”
Of all the activities, these coaches were much more
likely to engage in the following:
Plan lessons with teachers
Conduct in-class modeling
Analyze student data
Train teachers on how to analyze student data
Communicate PLN pedagogy to staff not enrolled in courses
Provide a listening ear for teachers’ concerns
Lead study groups
Lead PD sessions for staff
Facilitate inter-class visitation among classroom teachers
Locate and create classroom resources
Distribute professional development literature
Coaches’ Previous Position
In school year 2004--2005, coaches held
the following positions:
Classroom Teacher—67%
Teacher Leader—12%
Department Head—10%
Previous Positions and Current Activities
Former Teacher Leaders and Department Heads
were more likely to facilitate inter-class
This same group was also somewhat more likely
to communicate PLN pedagogy to staff not
enrolled in the course
Former Classroom Teachers were somewhat
more likely to plan lessons with teachers, do inclass modeling, & locate and create classroom
Coaches Survey: Mining the Data
PA High School Coaching Initiative
May 8, 2006