Transcript Slide 1

The End of the Ottoman Empire
End of the
Ottoman Empire
The Turkish Republic was established in 1923. The
Empire had been in a state of decline for several
centuries. The inability to keep up with industrial and
scientific developments, social and political unrest and
wars had sapped its strength. The First World War
signaled its end. The Ottoman’s were on the losing side
of the war and the British were given most of it’s former
empire. As the Empire crumbled, its Turkish nucleus
rose up in a War of Liberation against the invading
powers and the Sultan’s government.
The Ottoman Capital -- Constantinople
Creator of
Modern Turkey
Kemal Ataturk
“Father of the
Ataturk’s Reform Program
 Capital moved from Constantinople to Ankara.
 Secularism  Qur’an in Turkish translation.
 Adoption of a republican constitution and a
Swiss civil code.
 Westernization & nationalism:
 Compulsory, secular education.
 Banning the fez.
 Western [Roman] script.
 Western clothing.
 Women unveiled & given full citizenship and the right to vote.
Modern Turkey
Banned Traditional _______.
Women urged to _______.
Replaced the Arabian Alphabet with the
People and Culture
Ethnic Turks make up _____
80 percent of the
Kurds make up the rest of the population.
Urban middle class Turks match the Middle Class
Turkey's economy is a complex mix of traditional
craftsmanship and modern industries,
The country's large agriculture sector, which ranked
7th in the world in terms of production output in 2005,
Turkey has a strong and rapidly growing private sector,
yet the state still plays a major role in industry,
banking, transport, and communications.
What type of economy does Turkey have?
GDP per capita
GDP by sector
Economy of Turkey
New Turkish lira (YTL)
$941.6 billion[1] (2008 est.) (15)
$13,511[1] (2008 est.)
agriculture: 8.9%, industry: 30.8%, services:
59.3%[3] (2007 est.)
below poverty line
13%[3] (2007)
Labour force
by occupation
agriculture: 35.9%, industry: 22.8%, services:
41.2%[3] (3rd qtr. 2004)
Main industries
textiles, food processing, autos, electronics,
mining (coal, chromite, copper, boron), steel,
petroleum, construction, lumber, paper
Export goods
textiles, foodstuffs, metal manufactures,
transport equipment, electronics, home
Main export partners
Germany 11.3%, United Kingdom 8%, Italy
7.9%, United States 6%, France 5.4%, Spain
4.4%[3] (2006)
Government and Religion
Most people in Turkey are ______
Secularwhich means
The government is _______
religion is kept separate from government
Type of Government
Turkey has a parliamentary democracy
A means that the political
power is held by an elected
of government.
What does that mean?
parliament representing the
president and prime minister share
_____________ power.
The Hebrews established a nation they called Israel on
the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. About
1300BCE, many Hebrews moved to Egypt to escape a
famine. At first, the Hebrews were treated well in Egypt,
but in time they were enslaved by the Egyptians.
The Jews, were conquered by several other cultures
over the years but always rose up and regained
Roman Empire
control of their land. When the ____________
spread to Israel and the Jews were once again a
conquered people. They tried to rise up and revolt
against the Romans but the Romans countered by
destroying their _________and
killing or enslaving
most of Jerusalem’s population. Many of the Jews
fled, never to return to their homeland again
Diaspora Most
beginning a period known as the_________.
Jews were forced to live as minorities in many
different lands throughout the world.
The Middle East in 1914
The spiritual and
political renewal of
the Jewish people.
 Return of the Jewish people to their
homeland of present day Palestine.
 Freedom from
Western anti-Semitism.
Theodore Herzl
Palestine Was Part of the
Ottoman Empire
When the Ottoman Empire fell,
Palestine became part of Britain
Jews & Arabs in Palestine, 1920
In 1920, there
was 1 Jew to
every 10 Arabs in
By 1947, the ratio
was 2 Arabs for
every Jew.
The Arabs felt that they were
loosing control of their
The “Arab Legion” of the
British Army During WW2
The Jewish population in each country in 1942.
The Nazi Holocaust
 6,000,00 Jews killed
by the Nazis [1/2 in
the concentration
U. N. Partition Plan of 1947
Israel Becomes a Nation:
May 14, 1948
Chaim Weizmann,
1st President
David Ben-Gurion,
1st Prime Minister
War Begins!: May 15, 1948
Six DayWar-1967
Israel captures territories that were under the
control of the Palestinians. These areas
The West Bank
East Jerusalem
and ________________.
These territories are still under dispute by the
Palestinians who view any Jewish settlement
here as an invasion of their land.
The Palestinian
Liberation Organization
Palestinian Authority
In 2005 Israel transferred control of Gaza to the Palestinians
Government and Religion
80% of people in Israel are ______
Since Judaism affects all aspects of daily life, it is
hard to say that it has no effect in Israeli government
The prime minister has executive power while the
_____________ or parliament has the
legislative power.
Israel in the Future
As Israel struggles
with how to maintain
its strength and
freedom in one of the
most hostile regions
in the world, it must
also come to grips
with the fact that
some type of
peaceful solution
must be worked out
with the Palestinians
and its Arab
neighbors if it hopes
to survive into the