honesty (ethics)
Transcript honesty (ethics)
Taking Sides
(Heading for Cornell Notes)
Getting To The
Heart (Emotions), Head (Logic),
& Moral (Ethics)
Of The Issue
Student Goals For Unit 2
1. Understand, identify, use & analyze
the three main rhetorical devices
Ethos (Ethical) - Moral
Pathos (Emotional) - Heart
Logos (Logical) – Mind
2. Understand, identify, use & analyze
common advertising techniques
3. Explain methods & techniques a
speaker uses to grab an audiences’
attention in advertising
4. Examine & identify a speakers’ point of
view & how that affects the speakers’
motivation or goal in advertising
5. Analyze advertising to understand how
powerful advertising is & its effects on the
6. Create a brochure about a hazard using
rhetorical devices & advertising techniques
Unit 2.1
What’s Your Advertising IQ?
Answer the questions on the next slide with:
1 = Never
2 = Sometimes
3 = Most of the time
4 = All of the time
What’s Your Advertising IQ?
1. I review all my choices before making a
decision about what to buy.
2. I buy things that I see my friends use.
3. I make decisions that support my beliefs.
4. I buy things that I see my favorite athletes,
singers, movie stars, &/or TV stars wear.
5. I stop to think about what people will think of
me if I wear a certain article of clothing.
6. I usually ask for advice before I make a
purchase of more than $50.
7. If I made a bad purchase, I analyze why I
bought that item so I will not make the same
mistake again.
Key Terms
What is rhetoric?
What is a
What is the
What is a
The power of persuasion
through speech
A person who buys products or
Public forms of communication:
– TV, radio, Internet, Newspaper,
advertisements, billboards,
movies, bumper stickers
Something that you can use
that helps you
What Are The 3 Main Rhetorical
Devises or Modes Of Persuasion?
Ethos - Ethical (Moral)
– Appeals to the audience’s sense of right or
wrong, or trustworthiness
Pathos - Emotional (Heart)
– Appeals to the audience’s feelings (fear,
love, anger, …)
Logos - Logical (Head)
– Uses data and facts to appeal to the
When Is The Speaker
When we believe he is credible
When the speech stirs our emotions
When the speaker has proved a truth or
an apparent truth
What Is Ethos (Moral)?
An appeal to the authority or honesty
(ethics) of the speaker.
– How well the speaker convinces the audience
that he/she is qualified to speak on the
subject by:
Being a specialist, or expert in the field
Having a vested interest in the subject
Showing impressive logos (logic) that shows the
audience the speaker is knowledgeable on the
Appealing to a person's ethics or character.
What is Pathos (Heart)?
An appeal to the audience’s emotions
– metaphor,
– simile,
– a passionate delivery, or
– a simple claim that a matter is just or unjust
Most effective when the author connects
w/audiences ethos &/or logos
What Is Logos (Mind)?
Logical appeal
– Normally used to describe facts & figures
that support the speaker's topic
– Used to sway cynical listeners
– Enhances ethos because information
makes the speaker look knowledgeable &
Data can be confusing, misleading or
What Are Emotional (Pathos/Heart)
Techniques Used By Advertisers?
Appeals to fears & passions using;
– positive images having fun;
– celebrity spokesperson;
– bandwagon;
– before and after;
– sex appeal; health appeal;
– snob appeal;
– putdowns;
– bribery;
– slogans; jingles; symbols/logos; buzz words
What Are The Logical (Logos/Mind)
Techniques Used By Advertisers?
– Facts;
– Data;
– Statistics;
– Testimonials;
– Demonstrations;
– Amazing NEW Product; &
– Expert spokespersons to persuade
What Are The Ethical (Ethos/Moral)
Techniques Used By Advertisers?
Uses the trustworthiness of the speaker
to appeal to audience’s sense of:
– Right & wrong
Homework Assignment
Watch T.V. for one (1) hour.
– This could be done at two separate times.
For the 1st ½ hour note the following:
– Day & time you are watching T.V.
– The channel & the name of the program you
are watching
– Type of ads shown (i.e., auto sales, music,
movies, Prescription or OTC Drugs, etc.
– Tally the number of ads you see
For the 2nd ½ hour, complete both sides of
the Ad Appeal handout.