Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life

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Honors Biology
Unit 2: Biochemistry
Organic compounds contain carbon and
hydrogen and can exist as solids, liquids or
Scientists coined the classification “organic”
because these molecules were synthesized in
living systems.
Compounds that are considered organic (only
made by organisms) have been synthesized in
the lab.
Carbides, Carbonates, Oxides of Carbon (CO
and CO2) and Cyanide are considered to be
Carbon has four valence electrons.
To complete its valence shell, carbon
forms four covalent bonds with other
The tetravalence of carbon is at the center
of carbon’s ability to form large and
complex molecules with characteristic
three-dimensional shapes and properties.
Carbon atoms readily bond with
each other, producing chains or
rings of carbon atoms.
These molecular backbones can vary
in length, branching, placement of
double bonds, and location of atoms
of other elements. The simplest
The simplest organic molecules
are hydrocarbons consisting of
only carbon and hydrogen.
 The nonpolar C-H Bonds in
hydrocarbon chains account for
their hydrophobic behavior.
When comparing the 4 categories of organic
molecules (Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and
Nucleic Acids), Lipids contain the MOST C – H
WHAT do you know about lipids as a result of
the high number of C-H bonds?
Functional groups are groups of atoms
covalently bonded that when attached to
organic molecules provide them with
characteristic properties.
The functional groups studied in Chapter
4 are all HYDROPHILIC , therefore they
INCREASE the solubility of the organic
molecules in water.
HYDROXYL: consists of an oxygen and
hydrogen covalently bonded to the carbon
skeleton. Organic compounds with hydroxyl
groups are called ALCOHOLS and their names
often end in –OL.
Carbonyl Groups consist of carbon
double-bonded to an oxygen. If the
carbonyl group is at the end of the
carbon skeleton, the compound is called
an aldehyde. Otherwise, the compound
is called a ketone.
Carboxyl groups consist of a carbon
double-bonded to an oxygen and also
attached to a hydroxyl group.
Compounds with a carboxyl group are
called carboxylic acids or organic acids
because they tend to dissociate and
release H+.
A phosphate group is bonded to the carbon
skeleton its oxygen attached to the
phosphorus atom that is bonded to three
other oxygen atoms. The group is an
An amino group consists of a nitrogen atom
bonded to two hydrogens. Compounds with
an amino group, called amines, can act as
bases. The nitrogen, with its pair of unshared
electrons, can attract a hydrogen ion, becoming
Sulfhydryl group consists of a sulfur
atom bonded to a hydrogen atom.
Thiols are compounds containing
sulfhydryl groups.
 Isomers
are compounds
with the same molecular
formula but different
structural arrangements
and, thus, different
Structural isomers differ in the
arrangement of atoms and often
in the location of double bonds.
Enantiomers are left-handed and righthanded versions of each other and can
differ greatly in their biological activity.
An asymmetric carbon is one that is
covalently bonded to four-different kinds
of atoms or groups of atoms. Due to the
tetrahedral shape of the asymmetric
carbon, the four groups can be attached
in spatial arrangements that are not
super-imposable on each other.
Molecules that are optical isomers, or
mirror images, of one another.
Enantiomers can be distinguished by the
direction in which they rotate the plane
of polarization of polarized light and are
referred to, therefore, as being
dextrorotatory (D-) or laevorotatory (L-).
Enantiomers can exist when there is an
asymmetric carbon atom within the
Geometric isomers have the same
sequence of covalently bonded
atoms but differ in spatial
arrangement due to the inflexibility
of double bonds.
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and
smaller quantities of sulfur and phosphorus, all
capable of forming strong covalent bonds, are
combined into the complex organic molecules
of living matter.
The versatility of carbon in forming four
covalent bonds, linking readily with itself to
produce chains and rings, and binding with
other elements and functional groups makes
possible the incredible diversity of organic