PowerPoint 演示文稿

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Transcript PowerPoint 演示文稿

• Astable: Having no stable state. An astable
multivibrator oscillates between two
quasistable states.
• Asynchronous Having no fixed time
• Bistable Having two stable states.Flip-flops
and latches are bistable multivibrators.
• Clear An asynchronous input used to reset a
flip-flop(make the Q output 0)
• D-flip-flop A type of bistable multivibrator
in which the output assumes the state of the
D input on the triggering edge of a clock
• Edge-triggered flip-flop a type of flip-flop
in which the data are entered and appear on
the output on the same clock edge.
• feedback the output voltage or a portion of
it that is connected back to the input of a
• Hold time : The time interval required for the
control levels to remain on the inputs to a
flip-flop after the triggering edge of the clock
in order to reliably activate the device.
• J-K flip-flop :A type of flip-flop that can
operate in SET,RESET,no-change,and toggle
• Latch: A bistable digital circuit used for
storing a bit.
• Toggle: The action of a flip-flop when it
changes state on each clock pulse.
• Master-slave flip-flop :A type of flip-flop in
which the input data are entered into the
device on leading edges of clock pulses and
appear at the output on trailing edges . Masterslave flip-flop have,for the most part, been
replaced by edge-triggered types.
• Monostable: Having only one stable state. A
monostable multivibrator, commonly called a
one-shot,produces a single pulse in response
to a triggering input.
• One-shot: A monostable multivibrator.
• Preset: an asynchronous input used to set a
flip-flop(make the Q output 1)
• Reset :
• Set
• S-R flip-flop : A SET-RESET flip-flop
• Synchronous: Having a fixed time
• Timer : A circuit that can be used as a oneshot or as an oscillator.