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Swedish participation in
DataGrid and NorduGrid
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
Sweden in the DataGrid
Swedish participation in the EU
DataGrid project is enabled through
VR and CERN - the partners in the
DataGrid project.
The NorduGrid testbed acts as a link
between the activities, providing an
appropriate infrastructure.
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
WP2 Data Management
PDC (KTH, Stockholm): Grid Data
Management Work Package (WP2).
Working on issues like secure
infrastructure and access. Contact:
Per Öster
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
WP6 Testbed
Lund University (and in future
Stockholm and Uppsala): through
the NorduGrid project, participate
in the Testbed and Demonstrators
Work Package (WP6). Activity
involves configuring computing farms
to be the part of the DataGrid
testbed. Contact: Oxana Smirnova
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
WP8 HEP Applications
Universities of Lund, Stockholm and
Uppsala: involved in the HEP
Applications Work Package (WP8),
through participation in the ATLAS
experiment. Contacts: Oxana
Smirnova, Tord Ekelöf, Sten
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
WP10 Biology Applications
Uppsala University, Karolinska Institute
(Stockholm): working for the Biology
Applications Work Package (WP10). KI is
involved in genomics, esp. data mining in
distributed databases. In Uppsala,
Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics is
involved in genome sequencing, requiring
also distributed databases. Contacts: Siv
Andersson (UU), Gunnar Norstedt (KI)
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
Status of the DataGrid
The project was launched in January
2001, with the first workshop being held
in March (Amsterdam, together with the
Global Grid Forum). The second workshop
will be in July (Oxford, UK)
The first milestone, so-called Project
Month 6 (PM6) is reached, with the
following progress achieved:
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
DataGrid: today
Testbed0 participants and sites are defined
(12 participants, ca. 50 sites, including
Short-term use-cases to be executed at the
Testbed. Use-cases defined by the LHC
experiments and other participants
Code-writing started at the corresponding
WP's (scheduling, data management etc)
Architecture Task Force report is in
progress, user requirements are collected,
and deliverables for the Project Month 9
(PM9) are being defined
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
DataGrid: tomorrow
The major milestone of PM9 is
expected to have some of the
necessary toolkits, services and
other software delivered (betaversions) for testing
Most of the software packages will
be released not earlier than PM12
(glitches in the original planning)
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
Status of the NorduGrid
The NorduGrid project has a purpose to
create a Nordic branch of the DataGrid,
and proceeds in a close contact with the
The project is financed via the
Nordunet2 programme, and started in
January 2001
NorduGrid testbed is a part of the
DataGrid Testbed Workpackage (WP6)
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
NorduGrid: sites & people
Three dedicated postdoc positions are
set up:
Lund: Balázs Kónya (support for Lund and
Copenhagen clusters), started on May 1
Uppsala: Mattias Ellert (UppsalaStockholm-Helsinki), started on June 1
Oslo: Aleksandr Konstantinov (OsloBergen), to start on June 15
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
NorduGrid: resources
Farms in Lund and Copenhagen are
configured (Globus, OpenPBS batch
scheduler); simple tests done; farms are
ready to execute realistic tasks
Uppsala, KoSuFy in Lund: have Globus
enabled at stand-alone PC’s, connectivity
Nordic Certification Authority (CA) is
set up at the NBI (Copenhagen), being
also a part of the DataGrid CA's
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001
NorduGrid: next steps
KoSuFy (Lund) may join NorduGrid: 80CPU farm, to be one of the biggest
single farms in DataGrid
HEP applications: to go from local batch
submission to Globus; installation of the
ATLAS toolkit for the short-term usecase
Include biology applications (genomics in
UU and KI), - contacts are being
Paula Eerola
SWEGRID meeting, 11.6.2001