Engineering ethics: How to win over a client

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Engineering ethics:
How to win over a client
Tony Rigosu
Mary Rusinski
Kevin Kolb
Sal Cannavo
Chris Trojan
Eddy Terry
Definition of Ethics:
Ethics principles or standards
of human conduct, sometimes
called morals (Latin mores,
“customs”), and, by extension,
the study of such principles,
sometimes called moral
philosophy. This article is
concerned with ethics chiefly in
the latter sense and is confined
to that of Western civilization,
although every culture has
developed an ethic of its own.
"Ethics," Microsoft® Encarta® 98 Encyclopedia. © 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Why do we as engineers have
to worry about Ethic's?
Are we prepared to go out
in the real world and be
Case Study
Salt Lake City
Olympics scandal
What are Lobbyists?
Are what they do
consider Ethical or
Why should we as
“Engineers” care
about lobbyist’s?
What’s consider “Proper”
What’s considered going
“Over the Line”
The over “buying” equation
Buying Constant=amount spent on client
Amount of profit for job
If buying constant is 25 or less you are
in the safe range
 If buying constant is greater then 25
you have a problem
Ways we as “Clients” can
avoid being “bought”
Ask your Manager or
supervisor before
accepting anything
Look it up in the
company employ
Use common sense
Things to do so we don’t “look like we
are trying to buy clients”
Don’t accidentally leave large amounts
of money in an envelope on the clients
 You don’t always have to take out your
client for breakfast lunch and dinner
 Most importantly: Use common sense
Ethic’s is an
important part of
If you think your
doing something
wrong ask