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Indian trees
and their use
A quiz based on common trees in
Level: Primary school
Curriculum connect : Relevant to
the curricula of all states in India
Here is a common tree that you might have seen
Can you guess the name?
 Here
are some clues
 It
is a holy tree planted near temples
 Its
 Its
roots are attached to the trunk
leaves twirl in the wind
 Lord
Buddha rested under the tree to meditate
Surely you have seen this one? Guess the name!
Here are some clues …..
 It
is the commonest tree in the country.
 It
can grow to enormous width and
live for hundreds of years
 From
its branches hang roots which
touch the ground, take root and
support the tree.
Now look at this one ! Seen it somewhere? Try to guess
the name.
Here are some clues….
 It
is believed to have come from the Cocos
island in the Indian ocean.
 It
has a long, thin trunk.
 The
base of the trunk is swollen and
surrounded by roots.
Here is another tree that you will find in your
neighbourhood. Can you guess which tree it is?
Here are some clues…..
 This
tree originated in India
 The
trunk rises to quite a height before the
branching starts.
 You
might be using a part of the tree every
You might have seen this tree in the forests nearby.
Guess the name!
Here are some clues……
 Although
the tree looks thin, its wood is very
It is found near rivers and can grow very tall.
 The
wood of this tree was used to make the
table that you see.
This is a beautiful roadside tree….guess the name!
Here are some clues….
 Its
light green leaves grow so densely that they
provide a pleasant shade.
 Take
a look at the fruit. It is curved, irregularly
swollen and brown in colour.
 Your
kitchen is incomplete without the pulp of
the fruit.
Where could you have seen this tree? Can you guess the
Here are some clues:
 This
tree is planted along the coasts of India
 The
tree has spiky twigs
 Its
needle-shaped leaves are in fact the
branchlets. As they age they grow brown in
colour and fall in heaps under the tree.
You will find this tree near your house. You could not
have missed the fruit! Guess!
Here are some clues…
 This
is a large tree with spreading branches
 The
fruit of this tree is considered the king of
fruits in India
 It
is a fleshy fruit with a large stone in the
Have you ever seen this beautiful tree? Remember the
 Here
are some clues…
 It
is a tall tree with colourful flowers
 Its
 Its
branches grow sideways and curve upwards
leaves remain for most part of the year. It
sheds leaves in the end of January and comes
into flower in February
What about this tree? Do you recognize it?
Here are some clues:
 It
is easy to recognize as the branches
grow in layers almost at right angles to the
 Its
leaves are tough and leathery
 Its
oval fruit contains a nut
 There
are so many such trees in your
neighbourhood ! Take a look around, list the
tress and try to find out about their use.
 Don’t
 Take
cut trees and don’t allow others to cut
good care of them! Trees are our