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We learned about our ancestors. We learned about
pioneers and how they traveled. We learned about
quilts and how a quilt can tell a story.
We made a family tree. We learned that our
ancestors came from different countries.
We learned pioneers traveled by covered
wagon. They had to pack very carefully.
They didn’t have much room in the wagons.
We imagined that we were pioneers and we could only
pack 5 things in our trunk. I packed my teddy bear,
clothes, socks, and shoes to protect me from the cold
weather and my toothbrush and hairbrush to keep me
neat and clean.
We learned about the Statue of Liberty and how our
ancestors traveled across the ocean in ships. My
great, great, great grandpa, Peter Breitbach, came
from Germany and had a farm in Balltown.
We made a quilt wall hanging. We
talked about family traditions. My
family’s favorite tradition is opening
presents together at Christmas.
We learned the parts of a quilt, the top, batting,
and backing. It’s called a quilt sandwich. My
family’s favorite tradition is spending time at
our family cabin in Northern Wisconsin.
My special blanket is a quilt. It belonged to my neighbor
Justin. He had leukemia and died. It is special to me
because I think of Justin and the fun we had.
- Ben
My special blanket is my baby blanket. It is old
because my dad had it. It is special to me because
my dad gave it to me.
We also learned about quilts and how they can tell
a story. We shared traditions that are important to
our families. We learned that many traditions
came from different countries. We talked about
our families and talked about how each of us are a
very important part of our families.
My bunny is my family treasure. He was made out of
my grandpa’s shirt. It is important to me because my
aunt made it for Christmas when my grandpa died.
My family treasure is a hand made necklace. I got it
when I lived in the Marshall Islands. My
grandmother made this type of necklace. They are
made from coconut leaves and shells.
My family treasure is a black and white photograph of
my Papa Jon when he was 14 years old. It is important to
my family because he died 3 years ago. He was a very
good Papa Jon.
The tradition of the Christmas tree started in
Germany. It is a sign of endless life, for the
branches are evergreen.
Most Irish homes display holly wreathes in the
windows along with a lighted candle. The candle is a
symbol of welcome to Mary and Joseph.
Some black Americans celebrate this
holiday in December.
The poinsettia is native to Mexico and was brought to
the United States. Because of its red and green leaves
it is popular for decorating at Christmas. In the legend
of the poinsettia, a little child gives the only gift she
can to her church, a handful of green weeds. But by a
Christmas miracle the weeds turn into the beautiful
red and green plants.
- Tara
Jewish families celebrate Hanukkah. They
light a candle for 8 days. The candle
holder is a Menorah.
My name is Callie Waterman. I was named after my dad
Cale. In our family all of our names start with the letter
“C”. My middle name is Mackenzie. It was just a name
my mom liked and it worked with my first name. That is
how I got my first and middle name.
My first name Marty, is my dad’s friend’s name. My
middle name is Thomas and that is my
Grandfather’s name. I am proud to have his name.
My last name is Steffen. It is a German name.
Thank you for
watching our
slide show!
Mrs. O’Hara’s Second Grade
January 2005
Lincoln Elementary School