Transcript 5-1 Notes

Reflexive Verbs are verbs where the person doing
the action of the verb also receives the action of
the verb.
For example: I wash the dog. This sentence is
not reflexive because the person doing the
action (I) is not receiving the action of the verb.
The dog receives the action of the verb.
For example: I wash myself. This sentence is
reflexive since the person doing the action (I) is
also receiving the action of the verb.
Reflexive Verbs
Reflexives in the present tense:
 In the present tense, the verb is conjugated
and the reflexive pronoun is placed in front of
the conjugated verb. Remember: to be
reflexive, the person doing the action also
must receive the action.
 Example: Lavar – lavo, lavas, lava, lavamos,
lavan. I wash the dog. Yo lavo el perro. (Not
 Example: Lavarse – me lavo, te lavas, se lava,
nos lavamos, se lavan. I wash my hair. Me
lavo el pelo. (Reflexive)
 * When using a reflexive verb, you will not use
a possessive adjective too. my hair – el pelo
Secarse– To dry oneself
Me seco
Nos secamos
I dry myself
We dry ourselves
Te secas
Os secáis
You (fam.) dry yourself
You all (fam.) dry yourselves
Se seca
Se secan
He dries himself
She dries herself
You (for.) dry yourself
They dry themselves
You all(for.) dry yourselves
Reflexive Practice
I cut my hair.
 You go to bed.
 They fall asleep.
 We say goodbye.
 He sits down.
 You all (for.) bathe
 You (for.) keep quiet.
 I leave.
Me corto el pelo.
 Te acuestas.
 Ellos se duermen.
 Nos despedimos.
 Él se sienta.
 Uds. se bañan.
Ud. se calla.
 Me voy (Me
Reflexives with the infinitive:
 When a reflexive is used as an infinitive, you
must change the ending to reflect the person
doing the action. Also, you should keep the
pronoun attached to the end of the infinitive.
 Example: Cepillarse – Yo voy a cepillarme el
pelo. – I’m going to brush my hair.
 Example: Dormirse – Tú debes dormirte
ahora. – You should fall asleep now.
 Example: Irse – Tenemos que irnos. We have
to leave.
 Example: Peinarse – El niño puede peinarse.
The child can comb himself.
Reflexive verbs with Tú Commands
Using reflexives with commands is similar
to using commands with object pronouns.
The placement of the pronoun is the
With an affirmative command, you attach
the pronoun to the end of the command
and add an accent when necessary.
For example: Eat it (the sandwhich).
Cómelo. Wash yourself. Lávate.
With a negative command, the pronoun
goes between the no and the command.
For example: Don’t eat it. No lo comas.
Don’t wash yourself. No te laves.
¡Gracias por su atención!
El fin