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Transcript Notes_on_Reflexives

Notes on Reflexives
• To say that people do something to or for
themselves, we use reflexive verbs.
• For example: bathing oneself and brushing
one’s teeth are reflexive because the person
doing the action also receives the action.
– Antes de una cita, me ducho y me arreglo el pelo
• We know when a verb is reflexive when the
infinitive ends in ‘se’ like ducharse
• Reflexive verbs don’t always have to be in the
yo form…
you can do something to yourself,
he/she can do something to his/herself,
we can do something to ourselves,
and they can do something to themselves
Here’s how we conjugate each form:
me ducho
te duchas
se ducha
nos duchamos
se duchan
There are three steps to conjugating a reflexive verb…
1. Take off the ‘se’ and move it in front of the verb
2. Change the ‘se’ if necessary
3. Conjugate the rest of the verb like normal
• Sometimes, a verb can be reflexive and nonreflexive. If the action is done to something
else, it’s non-reflexive.
– Lavo el coche
– Me lavo el pelo
vs. Lavarse
… I wash the car
… I wash my hair
• When we use a reflexive verb with parts of
the body or articles of clothing, we use el, la,
los, and las
– ¿ Siempre te pintas las uñas?
 part of body
Do you always paint your nails?
– Felipe se pone los zapatos
Felipe puts on his shoes
 clothing
• Lastly, you can put reflexive pronouns before the
conjugated verb, or attach them to the infinitive:
(This happens when there’s another verb in front of the reflexive
I am going to shower (myself)
A) Me voy a duchar
B) Voy a ducharme
You have to dress yourself for the party
A) Te tienes que vestir para la fiesta
B) Tienes que vestirte para la fiesta