reflexive pronoun - Northern Highlands

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Transcript reflexive pronoun - Northern Highlands

• A reflexive verb is an action that
people do to or for themselves.
• With a reflexive verb, the person
carrying out the action also receives
the action.
• For example:
– Washing one’s face
– Brushing one’s teeth
• In Spanish, reflexive verbs are easy to
identify because their infinitive forms
have se at the end.
• This se at the end of the infinitive is
called a reflexive pronoun.
• Let’s look at the breakdown of the
verbs afeitarse, to shave, and
bañarse, to bathe.
afeit | ar | se
bañ | ar | se
• When conjugating a reflexive verb,
first drop the reflexive pronoun from
the end.
• Conjugate the verb (ar,er,ir).
• The reflexive pronoun is also changed
to match the subject, then placed in
front of the conjugated verb.
• The reflexive pronouns are as follows:
• When placing the new reflexive
pronoun before the verb, you must
choose the correct pronoun that
matches the subject.
• Remember, the subject is also the
person or people who receives the
action of the verb.
1. Gregorio y Lorenzo _______ _______________ muy
tarde los fines de semana.
2. Yo _______ _________ en ropa muy elegante para ir
a la boda.
3. Emilia y yo _______ ______________ las unas para el
4. Uds. ______ _____________ muy temprano la noche
antes del evento especial.
5. Tú _______ _____________ rápidamente antes de la
6. Sancho no _______ __________ los dientes todos los
días. ¡Uf!
A quick note…
• Look back at numbers 3 and 6. How
would these be translated?
• Note that the possessive pronouns for
our and his or not used. Instead, we use
definite articles.
• A general rule to remember is that when
a reflexive verb is used with parts of the
body or clothing, definite articles are
used, not possessive pronouns.
A quick note…
Me lavo la cara.
I wash my face.
Te pones los zapatos. You put on your shoes.
Ella se seca el pelo. She dries her hair.
Nos cepillamos los dientes. We brush our teeth.
• So far, we have only discussed placing the
reflexive pronoun before the conjugated
• However, when two verbs used together
in a sentence, there is another option.
• Recall that when two verbs are used in
conjunction, the first one is conjugated
and the second one is left in the infinitive
The two options we have for placement of
the reflexive pronoun are:
1. Before the conjugated verb
2. Attached to the end of the verb infinitive
• Me tengo que levantar.
– Or: Tengo que levantarme.
• Carolina se va a secar el pelo.
– Or: Carolina va a secarse el pelo.
• There is no change in meaning.
• Notice that regardless of the placement
of the pronoun, it still has to match the
subject of the sentence.
1. Rafael debe duchar.
• Rafael se debe duchar.
• Rafael debe ducharse.
2. Yo quiero cortar el pelo.
• Yo me quiero cortar el pelo.
• Yo quiero cortarme el pelo.
3. Nosotros vamos a pintar las uñas.
• Nosotros nos vamos a pintar las uñas.
• Nosotros vamos a pintarnos las uñas.
4. Uds. necesitan bañar.
• Uds. se necesitan bañar.
• Uds. necesitan bañarse.
5. Tú tienes que arreglar el pelo.
• Tú te tienes que arreglar el pelo.
• Tú tienes que arreglarte el pelo.
me despierto a las ocho de la
1. Yo despertarme
2. Ellas se pintan sus
las uñas cada semana.
3. Nosotrosnos
se acostamos muy tarde
durante el verano.
4. Ud. va a afeitar mañana. afeitarse
5. Tú tienes que cortarse
te el pelo pronto.