Transcript Costa Rica

Costa Rica
The Situation
• The idea behind ecotourism in Costa Rica is to
preserve natural resources while profiting from
them. However, Costa Rica, have allowed their
ecotourism industry to become ecologically
• It has been poorly managed, unlimited numbers
of tourists have been allowed into protected
areas and this has encouraged rapid.
• Ecotourism can be Self destructive!
The trend of ecotourism has caused a boom in visitor numbers
to Costa Rica
The Industry
• It is the fastest growing sector of tourism
• More profitable than clearing and farming
the land
• A very lucrative industry, it is the second
largest industry, generating 1 billion dollars
a year
• An example of eco-tourism in Costa Rica
is eco safari adventures
Eco Safari Adventures
For anyone to really understand Costa Rica you must be taken to it's heart, to
feel the very pulse of the land, its wildlife, its nature, it's people and culture.
What they do
• There are 4 types of tours the company, take they all
operate in small groups lead by people who have an
immense knowledge of the country and its nature
• The emphasis is on educating people about the
ecosystem and how it works
• 210 Species of bromeilias, 1 000 fern species
182 Amphibian species
1 400 Orchid species
111 Palm species
42 Cacti species
243 Mammals
857 Bird species
• There is an amazing array of diversity
The tours
• They take multi sports tours through the
jungle. Which includes Ocean Kayaking,
Rain Forest Lagoon Canoeing, Mountain
Biking, Canopy Explorations, Horseback
Riding and White Water Rafting
• The company make it eco tourism by
educating people while they are travelling
through the rainforest
• Equestrian tours are lead by the locals who gave
been brought up in the country. This creates
employment not just for the guides but for
people who look after the horses etc.
• Customers can hike through the jungle being
educated about the 850 bird species
• The most popular tour educates tourists about
the evolution of the jungle, its history, the
problems it faces, solutions and the future