Forest species = 36 Impacted species = 21

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Transcript Forest species = 36 Impacted species = 21

Hungry Jungle
What happened to the animals?
Forest species = 36
Impacted species = 21
• Groups of 4.
• Each group gets:
– Large sheet of felt
– Organism cards
– Arrows
– Activity sheet
• Task: To as a group figure out a way to
illustrate what organisms eat what in the
Food Chain
• Food chains show the transfer of
energy from one organism to the
• Each level is called a trophic level.
Trophic Levels
• Indicates the position that the
organism occupies in the food
• The levels are numbered according
to how far the particular organism
is along the chain.
– the primary producer (1), to
herbivores (2), to predators (3), to
carnivores or top carnivores (4 or 5).
Disturbed Food Chain
• Any disturbance affects
the whole food chain.
• What happens if the top
predator is eliminated?
Food Web
• A more complex system of multiple food
• Many interactions.
My Research
• Why may I have found more species in the
forest and not in the impacted places?
• Importance of conservation.