Transcript DEATH

Meaning, Manner,
Cause and Time
Defined as the “irreversible cessation of
circulation of blood”
May also be defined as the cessation of all
brain activity
Not easy to pinpoint the exact moment of
death (death is a process, not an instant event)
In cases of suspicious or unnatural deaths, an
autopsy is performed
Autopsy determines the manner, cause and
mechanism of death
Manner of Death
Natural death – results from age or
Accidental death – ex.; car accident
Suicidal death – purposeful killing of
Homicidal death – death of one person
caused by another
Cause and Mechanism of Death
Reason someone dies is cause of death
Disease, physical injury, stroke, heart attack
all cause death
“proximate cause of death” refers to an
underlying cause of death as opposed to the
final cause
Mechanism of death describes the specific
change in the body that brought about
cessation of life
Time of Death
By establishing a time of death, a
suspect may be proved guilty or innocent
simply because he or she was or was not
in the same place as the victim at the
time of death.
Liver Mortis
Translated, means “death color”
Purplish color is present on the body
wherever blood pools…this is called
helps determine time of death, position of the
body during the first 8 hours after death and
if the body has been moved
begins 2 hours after death; discoloration
becomes permanent after 8 hours
Temperature affects the time it takes lividity
to set in (faster in heat)
Pooling of blood can help determine if the body
was moved from one location to another
Rigor Mortis
Means “death stiffness”
This is temporary and helps determine the time
of death
Starts within 2 hours after death and remains
for 48 hours
At 12 hours, body is in its most rigid state
Stiffness occurs because skeletal muscles are
unable to relax and remain contracted and hard
Rigor Mortis and Time of Death
If body shows no visible rigor, it’s been
dead less than 2 hours or more than 48
If very rigid, it’s been dead approx. 12
If rigor in face and neck only, rigor has
just begun and body has only been dead
approx 2 hours
Other Factors Affecting Rigor
Temperature (cooler the body, the slower the
onset of rigor)
Body weight (higher weight slows the onset)
Type of clothing (heavier clothes accelerates
Illness (fever vs hypothermia)
Level of physical activity shortly before death
(exercise or a struggle accelerates rigor)
Sun exposure
Algor Mortis
Describes the temperature loss in a
To take a corpse’s temperature, forensic
investigators insert a thermometer into
the liver
Rule of thumb is that body loses
approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit per
Stomach and Intestinal Contents
If undigested stomach contents are present,
death occurred 0-2 hours after the last meal
If stomach is empty but food is in small
intestine, death occurred at least 4-6 hours
after a meal
If small intestine is empty but there is waste
in the large intestine, death occurred 12 or
more hours after a meal
Changes of the Eye
If eyes were open at time of death, there is
a thin film observed within 2-3 hours
If eyes were covered at death, film is
observed within 24 hours
Stages of Decomposition
Within 2 days:
After 4 days:
Cell autolysis begins
Green & purplish staining occurs from blood decomposition
Skin looks “marbled”
Face becomes discolored
Skin blisters
Abdomen swells with CO2
Within 6-10 days:
Corpse bloats with CO2; chest & abdomen burst
Fluids leak from body openings
Eyeballs liquefy
Skin sloughs off
Clues from Insects
Forensic entomologists – observes and records
data about temperature, wind and moisture
around the body as well as below it
Insects are attracted to the smell of
decompostion and lay their eggs on the dead
body within minutes of death
Eggs hatch and feed on the decomposing
Life Cycle of a Blowfly
Exhibit different stages as they develop
from egg, larva stages, pupa and adult
Each stage of development is present at
different times on a corpse and is used
to help determine the time of death