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Transcript F-Ch.10-DEATH

Forensic Pathology
Medical Examiner
Pathology is the study of disease, so
forensic pathology is the study of
injuries and/or disease in order to
determine the cause of death.
Medical Examiner
A medical doctor (MD) who works for
the legal system to determine cause
of death
 They conduct autopsies to determine
cause of death
 manner of death
 mode of death
usually an elected official
 does not necessarily have a medical
 oversee the investigation but rely on
the information given to them by
forensic pathologists to make their
Cause (Mode) of Death
The medical or forensic
cause (for example):
 Gunshot
 Blunt force trauma
 Heart Attack
 Poisoning
Manner of Death
Only 5 Possibilities:
 Natural Causes
 Accidental
 Suicidal
 Homicidal
 Undetermined
Algor Mortis
Normal body temperature is 98.6˚F
Body temp of a corpse drops 1.5˚F every
A body is cool to the touch after 4-6 hours
In 24 hours the body is at external
Several days after death Putrefaction
(bacteria in the body release gases causing
body to become bloated) occurs and body
temp can rise to 127˚F
Rigor Mortis
Stiffening of body because of lack of oxygen in
muscle cells
Begins ~4 hours after death
Begins in eyelids and small muscles of jaw, then to
neck and rest of body
Is sped up by increased external temp and slowed
down by cooler temp
Sets in more slowly with overweight individuals
Sets in more quickly when there has been a violent
struggle (uses up energy in muscles)
Completely sets in within 12 hours after death and
lasts ~36 hours before body returns to non-rigid
Livor Mortis
Discoloration of skin after death
 Caused by gravity-induced stagnation
and settling of red blood cells in small
blood vessels
 Commonly referred to as “lividity”
 Occurs 6-8 hours after death
 Occurs in parts of body closest to
ground (gravity!)
Before an autopsy can occur, a medical
examiner will search for any physical evidence
on the body:
Conditional evidence – lividity, rigor mortis, odors,
insects, position, clothing.
Pattern evidence – bite marks, impressions, weapon
marks, insertions, injuries, wounds
Biological evidence – grass, leaves, plants, pollen,
flowers, insects, worms, etc.
Chemical evidence – cosmetics, firearms, vehicle-related
chemicals, drugs, alcohol, poisons, ink, oil, soil, glass
Physiological evidence – blood, semen, urine, fecal
materials, tears, tissues, hair
Autopsy Steps
Weight, height, & physical characteristics are documented
Body is photographed, x-rayed, and examined with
alternate light source (black light) for stains
Clips fingernails and toenails for further analysis
If a rape case, swabs are taken of oral, anal, and vaginal
Fingerprints and palm prints
Y-incision from shoulders down to abdomen
Saw collarbone and ribs
Internal organs are removed, weighed, and measured
Blood and tissue samples are taken from each organ
If necessary, the scalp is peeled back, skull is opened and
brain is examined
Autopsy Training Video